Chapter THREE

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- Yeji's Mansion -

Yeji couldn't take to embarrassment any longer when she finally realized why the name sounded so familiar. The girl she bumped into, Lia was actually an actress. The actress!

"Shit! That was so embarrassing!" She shouted and grabbed her phone to call a friend.

"Hello, pretty girl talking." A soft voice answered the phone.

"Yuna, you won't believe this." Yeji panted into the phone while the other girl laughed.

"What did you do?" Yuna asked, she's also one of Yeji's close friends. Ryujin's girlfriend actually. Yuna is an actress which made Yeji question on how did Ryujin and Yuna got together. A doctor and an actress? They have time to date?

"Well do you know Lia?" Yeji asked while looking at her computer screen. She was watching one of Lia's movie.

"Yeah, of course. We did a movie together, have you forgotten?" Yuna asked, then it hit Yeji.

She recalled Yuna telling her to watch her new movie. Yeji was a little busy that time and totally forgot about Yuna's new movie.

"What was the title again?" Yeji nervously chuckled through the phone and she heard Yuna sigh.

"It's 'Another Life', unnie." Yuna answered and thankfully that was the movie playing on her screen.

"Yeah, yeah of course. I'm watching it again, nice acting." That was a lie, this was the first time she saw the movie.

"Okay, bye then!" Yuna ended the call.

Yeji continued watching the movie on her screen. It was about a girl who was already nearing death when she found her true love. Well she died, so does her partner who was ran over by a truck. They got reincarnated in the next life though. What a boring movie.

"Well that's kinda depressing, boring, and cute, I guess?" She rubbed her eyes after watching the whole movie.

"I should go visit her." Yeji whispered to herself and got up to change. It has been another two weeks since she visited the hospital


- Hospital -

"What am I even doing in here." Yeji was now in front of the tall building. She looked up and squinted her eyes due to the sun's brightness.

"Well who do we have here?!" Ryujin in her white coat with her stethoscope hanging on her neck, shouted from the entrance. She was holding a cup of coffee while smiling at Yeji.

"Can you please, even once lower your goddamn voice, Shin?" Yeji asked with an annoyed tone.

"Oops, my bad~" The doctor playfully said while waltzing her way to Yeji. The tall girl could only sigh in annoyance.

"Why are you here?" The doctor asked her friend. Yeji just scratched her nape and grinned.

"To see someone, of course." She simply answered and walked towards the entrance.

"And who is this someone?" Ryujin asked and walked beside her. The girl could only sigh due to her friend being nosy.

"Choi Jisu. Lia, you know her right?" She finally answered and Ryujin tilted her head in confusion.

"Are you close with her?" Ryujin asked. To her knowledge, Lia isn't really that friendly with people she just met. That's for their own sake too.

Of course, Ryujin knew about Lia's illness.

"Want me to show you her room?" She asked and Yeji nodded.

They went inside the elevator and Ryujin pressed the number three button. Lia's room was in the end of the hall. It was quiet, it wasn't like the first floor.

Knock Knock

Yeji knocked into the door and twisted the knob when she heard Lia muttered a little 'come in' . Lia was surprised to see Yeji on the doorway, not expecting her to really visit her.

"Oh, h-hey." Lia sat up straight and quickly hid her phone under the pillows. She then tapped the seat beside her, gesturing Yeji to sit down beside her.

Accidentally, her fingers pressed the play button. The video resumed and a familiar voice was heard. It was Yeji's. Lia's face immediately went red and she quickly turned her phone off

Is she watching my videos?

"Well, how are you doing?" Yeji asked, well to lessen the embarrassment Lia was experiencing.

"I'm doing good these days." Lia answered, still shy.

"Hi, sorry to visit you unannounced." Yeji shyly sat down beside the girl and smiled.

"No, not at all. It's nice to have someone visit me once in a while." Lia laughed and Yeji just nodded.

"Once in a while? I expected her to have a lot of visitors, she's an actress after all"

"So when are you leaving?" Yeji asked and Lia thought for a second. They must have forgotten Ryujin was still inside the room.

"Two days from now, you can leave." The doctor smiled. Yeji was happier to hear it than Lia.

"Really? We should hang out sometime. If that's fine?" The tall girl asked, Lia just chuckled and nodded in agreement. It wasn't bad to have friends.

"Count me in!" Ryujin, playfully said.

"Fuck you, no." Yeji spoke with a smug look.

This was one of those moments Lia actually loved. She doesn't have many friends due to her career starting in a young age. Most of the time instead of finding friends you'll rather find enemies.

"Oops, I still have work to do. See you around!" Ryujin then left and closed the door behind her, leaving the two girls in silence.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Lia asked and grabbed her laptop from the table beside her, Yeji smiled and nodded.

They ended up watching three movies and Lia was already asleep. Yeji lightly chuckled at the sight. Lia was indeed beautiful every angle. She looked at her one more time before standing up. She left the flowers on the table with a note.

"You look cute when you sleep. <3"

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