Stars Around My Scars

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(Inspired by the song "cardigan" by Taylor Swift)

I knew you when I was young

Back when they thought I knew nothing

But just writing poetry of a song

And they don't know everything

I told you about my past

And you knew me

Never thought this would last

But we got to see

You listened to my stories

Like they're something

I've written from my memories

Saying they are everything

Everything I did and still do

Made me who I am today

And by having you

In serenity up to this day

You always tell

There isn't much to say

But I came to know you well

The moment you chose to stay

There is always this thing

About you and I

That never fails to bring

Lightness to my dark sky

I told you about my fears

But you listened in silence

Wiping away tears

Taking all of your patience

Your goals and dreams

I came to know

And adored in silent screams

A love in the darkness that glow

I knew you'd haunt

All over my uncertainties

You smile and grunt

At the subject of my elegies

You drew stars

All over my flaws and mistakes,

Around my scars

That saved me from my earthquakes

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