Chapter 5

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The awkward hug that just lasted for few seconds turned a new leaf for both Pang and Wave. They decided to meet at the terrace same time after the week long suspension.

For the whole week, Pang just kept on stealing glances of the vacant chair as though Wave was there. Neither did he understand why he wanted to nor did he understand why he couldn't stare at it openly. It 'just didn't feel right' was what he described his secondd thought.

5 days later

" You are zoning out already huh " Ohm asked casually.

Pang snapping out of his trance replied " No...just thinking...."

" About what Pang? " the curious Namtarn asked.

" Well  nothing important...."

Pang had made a mental note to behave normal with Namtarn though he failed to do so multiple times in the past few days. The thought that Namtarn likes him and he could not help but behave indifferent to her just made him feel guilty.

Ohm on the other hand avoided Namtarn as much as possible. The pain that he went through the night after midterm exam ended drove him crazy. He never expected that it would hurt him so much. As he already expected that coming he thought he was mentally prepared. Hell, no he was proven wrong. The next two days right after Namtarn's confession was hell for Ohm. He fell into the never ending cycle of "self pity". Ohm, the trouble maker of the class was absent for 2 days and when returned he looked absolutely pale as though blood was drawn from his veins.

Everyone in the class noticed the absolute change in Ohm's behaviour. He carefully listened to Mr. Pom and even took notes. He started spending time in library reading on how he could improve his potential. On the outside though it looked like a positive change only he knew that he did all he could to escape the pain, grief, sorrow and what not.  He knew deep inside that his get-over-Namtarn mission was not working.


Pang could not help but wonder what Wave would be doing during this whole suspension thing. Well, this Wave - induced trance was what kept him normal though he would question himself as to Why the hell does he think of Wave ? He missed his cold stares and his abusive tone. He snapped back to reality everytime thinking he had gone crazy or that was just casual to miss a classmate isn't it. Being in trance was not a big deal or was it?. He never bothered answering the bloody questions that popped out in his mind for he knew that whatever it was, he felt happy thinking about how they would work together from next week. That was all that he needed.

Meanwhile, Wave had only one thought in his mind : It felt nice to be hugged by someone and suddenly Pang's stupid grin would appear in front of his eyes. This image in itself made him blush ruby. He didn't understand how someone as stupid as Pang could make him smile and not just smile but grin ear to ear. Well, he would contradict his own statements moments later with - He is not that stupid I guess.


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