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Prompt: In between seasons


The blooming of flowers, gentle sunsets on the evening sky and watching clouds shift their forms in the seemingly endless sky. Taking nice long walks in the woods with family. Eating sandwiches in the park with your dogs begging for some food as a treat and disappearing when you throw their ball. Spring defining the simple pleasures that exist in one's life.


The feeling of lounging on the beach in the sunshine, then hearing the laughter of friends and the crashing of the ocean's waves. Melting ice cream dripping over your hand,  a brain freeze coming on as your family laughs at the mess you made. Lying in the grass while a breeze is tickling at your face. Summer defining the features of those you surround yourself with, in your surroundings


The crisp air nips at your face as you walk along a path. The crackling of leaves beneath your feet reach your ears in the form of a friendly voice. Scents of cinnamon and nutmeg fill the air along with pumpkins. Many different colors fill the trees giving bursts of colors amongst the remaining leaves of green. Fall defining the things we take for granted in life.


Cuddling up next to the fireplace as the warm amber lights flicker across your face. The sweet bitterness that comes with hot cocoa and whipped cream. Within the dark nights, there is a feeling of serenity that comes when gazing at the snowflakes falling through the windows. Winter defining the senses place where it can feel comforted.

In Between Seasons

While all the seasons may change, there is one constant in between seasons there will be a feeling of excitement for what the next season of life may hold for everyone.

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