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Prompt: Write two pieces based on a work of art (The Swing)

Poem 1:

Full of beauty and grace

No one can let you go

Despite how you fly

You float through the air

Only as high as you are allowed

Until gravity and reality bring you back

To Earth

Away from thoughts that

Keep you soaring

Eagerly, you swing up again

To return to the thoughts

That bring you contentment

Poem 2:

Why do YOU show no worry?

YOU only show bliss

Where others below revel in delight.

Why do YOU look in a different direction?

I guide YOU, But you turn away.

Looking downwards, I see why.

In the bushes, there is a MAN.

Why do YOU think I have no knowledge

Of what is happening?


Despite being shielded in the DARKNESS,

I find the truth from the messengers of love.

Telling YOU to remain silent and secretive

Of the truth, YOU hide in plain sight.

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