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Notice me the way that I notice you.

Eyes searching for the presence of someone, lingering around the room until halting to a stop. Eyes that see the way you light up when you laugh or how you react when something is said.

Ears picking up on the sounds of your laughter, or the way your voice fluctuates when you get nervous. Ears that will hold onto every word you say for fear of missing something important.

Touch for the way we held hands, the way your hands rested on my waist as mine rested on your shoulders. Touch for hopes that one day both may react softly and sweetly in a world of understanding.

Smell for picking up on how you have a smell that is so unique and comforting that I can tell who it is without having to turn.

Taste something of a possibility while doubt still lingers within the mind.

Thinking of what I could have done, what I was planning to do, and wondering what should I do now that the future seems so uncertain.

I hope you notice me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2020 ⏰

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