part 4

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3rd pov.

As Naruto and Sasuke were walking to the dongo shop for their first date. Itachi stopped them. "Hello little brother." "Yes" Sasuke replied. "I have a question what did the kages tell you." After Sasuke and Naruto explaine. "Thats good Sasuke and Naruto." "Also Itachi Naruto and I are dating." Sasuke told Itachi while looking away. "I'm glad you found someone who cares for you. Naruto if you hurt my little brother I'll kill you." He said activating his mangekyou sharingan. "I wouldn't dream of it Itachi. " Naruto said with his  smile.

Sasuke's pov.

I can't believe Itachi activated his sharingan on Naruto. "Well Naruto and I have a date. See you later Itachi." Then we made it to the dongo shop. After we ate, we decided to go home. Lady Tsunade said we would get our house after we are done training. "Sasuke I love you ya know." "I love you to dobe." He looks at me with my favorite smile. I give him kiss on the lips. "What was that for?" Nrauto asked while tilting his head like a puppy. "I can't kiss my boyfriend." I say with blush on my cheeks. "Thats not what I meant but yes you can kiss me anytime." He smiles wide. We were almost home when Sakura stopped us. No one knew I have been in the village these past three months besides Naruto, Itachi and the kages. Itachi was told to put a genjutsu around me. Though today it was released. "Sasuke is that you." Still annoying as ever. "Yes." I roll my eyes. I just wanted to go home with Naruto. "Oh hey Naruto." She said in her high pitched voice.  "Hi Sakura." He said with a smile. He waved with his other hand, since ours are still connected. She was still aproching us. "How have you been Sasuke." She asks quietly. "Hn. I've been ok." " Thats great." She smiles. "We will see you around Sakura." Naruto says walking while pulling me with him. He seemed a little angry. "Dobe don't you think that was a little rude?" I ask him with a little bit of concern. "Didn't you see they way she was looking at you? She was basically drooling." We were at the front door of his apartment. "You act like I was paying attention." We entered the apartment. "Is someone jealous?" I ask with a smirk. Then suddenly my hands are above my head and and I'm pinned to the wall. "So what if I am?" He growls and bites my neck. "N N Naruto w what are y you doing?" Then he started to kiss me. He licked my bottom lip for entrance. I declined,he's dumb if he thinks I'm going down without a fight. He bites my lip but I don't budge. Then I break my hands free and grab his butt. He gasped at my suddent action. Then I take the chance to slip my tongue into his mouth. We fot for dominance until we needed air, at the same time we both broke apart for air. "We need sle-mm" He cuts me off with another kiss. Then breaks away. "Fine but this isn't over teme." I started to walk to the couch, then Naruto out of no where picked me up bridalstyle and started walking to his room. "I thought we were going to sleep." I asked confused. "We are. Do you think I'm letting my Sasuke sleep on the couch?" He says while getting in next to me. I look away with blush on my face. "Aw I like your face Sasuke. Can I see your face again?" My face probably looks like a tomato. "F Fine." I look at him. Then he holds me in his arms my back facing his chest. "I love you Sasuke." I scoot my back closer to his chest. "I love you too Naruto." Then I hear little snores coming from him. He can be so cute sometimes. Then I drift to sleep.

Naruto's pov.

I woke up I usually am a early riser but I choose to go to back sleep. That's why I am always late. I check the time 5am granny wants us to be at her office at 7am for training. I set my alarm for 6am. So I cuddle back up to Sasuke and fall asleep again. My alarm went off and I smashed it to pieces on accident. I  softly told Sasuke to wake up. He turned around and nuzzles his face in my chest. I started dieing of adorableness. "Are you ok dobe." He asks while yawning cutely. "Yes but we should get ready granny wants us there at 7." "Fine."

To be continued

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