Part 12

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Sasuke's pov.
I woke up nuzzled in Naruto's chest. The last thing I remember is Naruto in the process of getting the seal off, he must have got it off then. I look at my surroundings this isn't the apartment or the new house. At least someone bought a new bed. Then I see a clock it's twelve in the afternoon. I should probably let the dobe sleep. I started to shift to get up but immediately got pulled back down. "No." "We have to get up dobe." "No." "Come on usuratonkachi." "Teme I want to cuddle with you thought." "As much as I want to I have go to the bathroom." "Fine." He lets go of me and head to the bathroom. I stopped. "Wait dobe where's the bathroom." "I'll show you." He gets up and walks towards me. "Follow me." He leads the way. "Thanks dobe." "No problem teme." Then I do my business. I walk back to the bedroom Naruto was back in the bed."Dobe let's take a shower then wash the sheets and bedding so that way there clean. Wait is all of our stuff here?" "It should be Lady Tsunade had ninja bring it here." "So like in the living room." "Probably I have only been to bed and the bathroom, as soon as we got here there was a bed fully made and after that I crashed." "Oh we should check then." He got up and followed me to where I thought the living room was. I walk into the room to see the living room I got it right on the first try. There where all of our stuff with labels good thing Naruto and I did that or we would unpack everything to find our clothes and shower metarial. I go to the box whith our clothes and pick some out for us and then I get our shower metarial. Then Naruto and I take a quick shower. "Sasuke I'm tired." "I know I am too." I get the bedding off of the bed and go to where I think the washer is. I was once again correct then I put the sheets in the washer. I then get our bedding and put it on the new bed. "Dobe the bed is made." Naruto walks in the bedroom. "Ok teme  do you wanna go back to sleep?" "Yes." We crawl in bed and I cuddle up to him and I drift to sleep.
Naruto's pov.
I woke up to a nock on the door. I looked at the time 6:00pm. Sasuke is still asleep. So I gently slide out of bed to go see who it is. I opened the door to see Iruka. "Hey Iruka what's up." I let him inside. "I just wanted to check up on you." "Thank you. Do you want something to drink?" "No I'm fine. Anyway how's Sasuke?" "He's asleep but good." "Oh I'm sorry did I disturb you two?" "No. Anyway Iruka I wanted to ask you a question. Will you come to mine and Sasuke's weeding?" "You're getting married. Congratulations of course I'll come." "I plan to invite Gaara and my other friends." "I haven't told anyone but you and Tsunade. I plan to get cards ready with Sasuke tomorrow." "That's good." "One more thing will you go as my dad?" "I'd be honored." I give Iruka a hug. "Thank you." "No problem kid." "I have to go tell Sasuke I said hi." "Ok I will." Then Iruka left. I should make something to eat for Sasuke and I. I started making rice balls and tomatoes for Sasuke and I. I was almost finished when Sasuke walk in. "Good evening Teme." "Good evening usuratonkachi. What are you making?" "Rice balls and tomatoes. I'm almost finished." "Ok." "Tomorrow we should get the cards ready to invite everyone to our wedding." "Yes we should but when we get the stuff together nothing to big." "Ok that's fine." "Can we invite Itachi?" "Of course we can teme he's your brother." "Ok." "Ok dinner is ready." Sasuke and eat and then clean up. "You want to go back to bed dobe?" "Yes." Then we go back to the bedroom. We slip in bed. "I love you Sasuke." I love you too Naruto." Then we fell asleep.

The Lighting and the Windजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें