Chapter 3

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I sobbed for hours in Eleanors room. And she hugged me tight and rocked me. That always helps me when I'm having a panic attack. Eleanors good like that. She always knows when I need her and when I need to be comforted.

Me and Eleanor fell asleep at around midnight and I was dreaming peacefully about me and Louis on a romantic date at the theme park.

Then suddenly I felt someone tapping my shoulder. I jumped and said 'El?' I assumed it was her as she often got up in the night. But I could hear her snoring next to me. I panicked and snapped on the bedside lamp. It wasn't very bright but I could roughly make out a face.

'Hey, um I'm sorry about what happened earlier. I just sort of flipped out, you know.' I knew it was Louis because of his strong Doncaster accent.

I didn't know what he meant by 'flipped out' but I wanted to make him feel better so I replied 'Yeh, it's fine don't worry about it.' I turned over in hope he'd go away because I could hardly breathe. He was talking to me!

He sat down on the bed next to me. 'Just one more thing before I go.'
I lay there frozen. He was sat next to me! Practically touching me!
He adjusted his sitting position and then asked. 'Why were you shaking earlier when I shouted. And you kept falling from side to side like you were dizzy or something.'

I don't want to tell him the truth, no not yet. 'Oh, that. Yeh um I had a bit of a headache  that's  all.' I replied but I could hear the tremble in my voice. And I went high pitched. I do that when I'm lying.

'Pahaha, none existent headaches are cool, I use them when I want to stay off school.' Louis replies, being cheeky as always.

'Oi, it was real i swear.' I said. I could feel my hands shaking so I clenched them by my sides.

'Oh really.' Louis said and he reached  his arm out towards me and began to tickle me. He knew exactly where I hated being tickled most. My neck. He tickled and tickled until I gave in. Well not really because I told another  lie.
'Ok, ok,' I said through heaps of laughter ' I was just a bit scared when you flipped out,ok?'

Louis sighed 'Yeh, well I've apologised' he said an Walked out the room. He sounded a bit angry but I let it go because he was nice to me for once.

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