Chapter 4: Null

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I'm finally writing the 4th chapter! I apologise for not posting anything for 3 days! But if you didn't know, I'm currently working on another story too called "Made my day and whole life too"! It's based on my friend's dream so check it out too. Don't worry im never gonna abandon this story. I might just not post for some days. But for this weekend I will post 2 chapters a day. So enjoy this chapter!

Darkness... The partial or total absence of light, wickedness or evil. Darkness is what you would feel if you enter this portal. Now darkness is a noun, so you might wonder.... How do you FEEL darkness? Well in this case, the Dark portal, balance to the Light portal, gives you the feeling of darkness as soon as you get near it. To some, it gives them the most unpleasant feeling in the world. Coldness. Hate. Death... But to others, well, they bask and bathe in that darkness, for it is their light as the sun is our light.

" Open the portal!" Said the strange man creature with grey eyes. " Yes master," came the reply from 2 of his soldiers/ servants. They took the kite shaped black, dark blue and purple object from their master and placed it in front of them, standing. Both of them started chanting the ancient spell for opening the portal up.

"Via permoporis, iam clamo ad te via spatti

Te ubio, aperire...Ozeri!

Via vietlariss, tempos spatium admi ut imperio!"

The incantation was repeated again and again. Once it got big enough, the man with grey eyes started repeating," Dark portal! Take us to Fort Guaishou! Dark portal! Take us to Fort Guaishou! Now now now! NOW!!" HE screamed. The portal grew big in size and crackled with power. The guy grinned, but you couldn't really see it, as it was hid by his dark grey and torn up hood. He and his soldiers went into it and it close.

Fort Guaishou was a very ancient and old place. The sky was a dark grey with old widow trees. The fort, grey and old colour, itself was humungous and broken parts of it here and there. The man pushed open the door and there were so many Villains and monsters and devil's and you name it. He frowned, banged his staff hard which caused a wave of tremor to shock everything and everybody. Everyone looked at him and and narrowed their eyes. One woman, the one from before came and stood next to him. She might look like a normal woman to an outsider. But to an insider, she's one of the most dangerous people you could ever face.

"Who are you? You can't just walk in here!" One of the devil's shouted.

He started walking towards the man with the hood," This place belongs to us. If you think you can just- hgllrbh!!" He was interrupted by that man choking him. The man growled and he unleashed his long nails and inserted it into his neck. The devil's mouth went slack and his eyes turned black. Everyone grew somewhat terrified of this guy. The man had then dropped the devil and he disintegrated into dust. The woman scoffed and stomped on. She giggled as it started vanishing.

" My name is Null. I am your king and ruler from now on!" The guy, now known as Null, announced. " And if you don't want to follow or get ruled by me, you'll pay the price..." He said so grimly. He waited a few seconds till he laughed," Just kidding. If you really want to leave, then go ahead!" Everyone just looked at each other," nobody? No one?" He asked. A monster raised its hand and everyone made way for Null to see it.

Null smiled in a way that didn't reveal his emotions and also because he had his rugged robe/ hood. " Go on ahead my friend! Be free!" He moved his hand towards the entrance. The tree monster smiled and started walking towards the entrance, saying goodbye to everyone. As he was reaching the big door, Null turned around and frowned. He gripped his staff tightly and it started gaining so much dark energy, causing everybody to gasp. The tree monster turned around to wave but he was cut off by Null blasting him with the energy from his staff.

" Ah- no wahh! Please! Let me go! Stop please emperor!" The monster screamed. It caused Null to push more darkness into him. He transformed into a statue and everyone held their breath. Suddenly the monster burst into seams and crumbled into ashes. The whole fort, the ones inside it, nature and everything else grew terrified of Null. They bowed down and the fort servants took him to the throne to seal his fate as the emperor of evil. " Bow down to the Emperor Null," the woman (servant ) pointed to Null as he took his seat," and Empress Nina," she pointed to the woman from before, the one with blond hair.

As everyone followed them, both grinned evilly. They looked at each other and dismissed everyone. " Come out Void." He commanded and a Kwami had come out. The Kwami was the colour of swirling dark purple and the dark black of the void. Void grinned evilly. This was a broken Kwami. The Kwami that was created and was a mistake. The ones that were stored away forever. But somehow, Null had found it. " The first step to us conquering the universe has started. Together, we will be Null and Void!!" He shouted and grinned. Nina chuckled and informed," Now hold it. It isn't us 3. It's us 5!" Her mouth was set in a grim line. " I need to get the peacock Miraculous for me and we need to get you the Butterfly Miraculous!" She looked at him.

Null nodded in remembrance. " Then we can get my daughter to join our side. She'll understand what her parents really did and who they are," he said melodiously. Nina stood up and shook her head," How many times...." She turned around and seethed at him," How many times do me and Void have to tell you!?! Marinette isn't your daughter!!" Null got up too and spat out at her," You know nothing about me! You are just my partner!" He growled. Nina took out her Karambits and took a battle stance. " You are testing my patience NULL!!! YAAAAAR!!" She screamed as she charged at him. Null transformed his staff into a sword and met her in the middle. They battled each other hard with many crys of war.

They stopped at the extent of an hour. Both surrendered. " This is the only time I'm surrendering to someone like you," Nina panted. " Well what do you think about me? I would never lose to you," Null panted. Void just shook her head. They were supposed to be on the same side but they're fighting. This happens every single time. Satan should help these two.... She thought to herself. They both got up and Nina said," I'm gonna go and put up fortification and defensive walls and stuff for this Fort." She walked away and Null sniffed and sat down on his seat.

" Void. Get all monsters inside each room of this fort. And set up the watchers on each place." Null commands. Void rolls her eyes, nods her head and flies into each place of the humangous Palace. He still panted and clutched his disintegrating hand. He growled and poured his black ooze on it. It started resurrecting. " Ahhhhhhhhhh..." He sighed," Don't you worry Marinette. Soon you'll be ruling next to me. As my daughter. Whether you like it or not!" He shouted and caused a sound wave.

Outside, as Nina was setting up teh fortification, the climate was changing. It was becoming cold. Even the willow trees were getting scared of the villains.

On Earth...
Simultaneously, Marinette and Adrien both felt an queasy and uneasy feeling surround them. The quickly get out of each of their respective beds, they run to their windows and open them.

" Huh? What was that? That feeling again..." Both said. They stood there for a few minutes and shrugged it. " Probably nothing," they said to no one but to themselves as they headed back to bed and closed the windows. Quickly, they fell asleep, keeping this feeling in the very back of their minds, as they had a good day going on.

Phew! Finally a new chapter! I'll post one more further today. Now that opportunity I was talking about! An editor from WebNovel has asked me to post my Fanfiction in their app. I agreed so you can read my story in there too. I won't be asking for any coins as this is my first story so don't worry. I won't be continuing my other story till Monday because I want MY story to be finished and it'll take a long time because there will be many chapters in this. So see you soon!


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