Derek x reader

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So this is for kjeoynaersra . I hope you like it.

Keyarra's POV:
You and Derek had been in a long time relationship and you just found out you were pregnant with his child. You hadn't told him yet and planned to tell him when you got home later that night. You were so excited. You knew that this would be an amazing experience for the both of you. You were ready and you hoped he was too.

On your way home you had bought the take out food that the both of you liked and also your favorite movie. You planned the night out. You were gonna eat your food while watching the movie and then after you were gonna tell him. What you didn't know was that at home Derek had another girl over not knowing you were coming home early. Once you got there with everything and opened the door to see him on the couch kissing the other girl causing you to drop everything in shock and crying out. He looked up quickly surprised to see you.

"Baby girl! It's not what it looks like! I promise!" He said getting up in a rush to come over to you but you backed away causing him to stop.

"Derek what is this?" You asked in shock.

"Keyarra, I promise it was nothing. She's just a friend. The kiss didn't mean anything." He said as he stepped towards you again.

"Get out! Get out before I call the police for trespassing!" You yelled to the girl. "Now!"

She stood up and ran past you grabbing her stuff shutting the door in the process.

"Key, please don't be mad." Derek said softly.

"Don't be mad Derek!? I come home to find you kissing another girl! How can I not be mad! I had the night planned out for us! I got our favorite food, out favorite movie, and for what?! For it to be a waste! How could you! I thought you loved me!" You yelled at him.

"Key please! It was a mistake!" Derek said as he picked up the stuff you dropped.

"No Derek, why would you even do that? Tell me!" You begged.

"I don't know! I wasn't thinking!" Derek yelled.

"You weren't thinking?! How could you be like that! You're part of the BAU! Thinking is one of your main things to do! What the fuck! Are you going to use that excuse or tell me the real reason! Because if you can't tell me the truth I'm walking out that door! You have 5 minutes to tell me!" You said going to y'alls room and packing a bag with clothes in it.

"I don't know why I did it." Derek calmly said as he watched you pack your bag knowing you were leaving.

"Then I'm sorry but I'm leaving. You can't tell me why and I can't trust you anymore." You said finishing packing.

"Key." Was the last thing you heard Derek say as you walked out the door shutting it behind you. It seemed like he didn't care you were leaving him. That upset you even more. You loved him with all your being. He was your first real love and you wanted a family with him and a future but how could that happen when he cheated on you.

You got into your car and cried for a bit before calling Spencer and seeing if you could stay in his spare room.

"Key? What's going on? Why are you calling me at this hour of the night?" A groggy Spencer asked through the phone.

"Spenc can I stay there for a few nights please?" You asked through tears.

"Key, what's wrong?" Spencer asked confused and more awake.

"Can I tell you when I get there? I'd rather not explain over the phone." You asked starting your car.

"Sure, have you eaten yet?" He asked as you began to drive to his apartment.

"No, I haven't." You said softly.

"Ok well I'll let you go so you aren't on the phone driving and I'll make you food so you can eat when you get here." He said as you heard him clank around in his kitchen.

"Thank you Spencer." You said as you hung up.

You drove till you got to the parking lot for his apartment complex and parked your car and went to his apartment and knocked. Spencer opened the door and grabbed your bag and sat it in the spare room. You sat at the table waiting for him to get back.

"So what happened? From the looks of it you look really upset." Spencer said worried.

"I got home to find Derek with another girl. He was kissing her!" You said getting more upset.

"You what?! He was cheating?! That's not like him! Did he tell you why?" Spencer asked shocked that his best friend was cheating on you.

"No. He told me he didn't know why." You said sobbing.

"I'm sorry Key. I know you don't trust him now. It's sad that he did that. It's not like him." Spencer said sitting the food down in front of you.

"I don't know what to do! I'm pregnant with his baby and now this is happening! Spenc what do I do?" You said as you took a bite.

"Well right now you need to eat and then get some sleep. Then tomorrow we can figure that out." Spencer said as he sat next to you as you ate.

You had finished eating and Spencer took your plate and washed it and put it up.

"You know where the spare room is, go grab a change of clothes and get a shower to help you relax. I'll be out here in the living room reading if you need anything." Spencer said as he helped you up.

"Thank you Spenc. I appreciate it." You said as you went to the room and grabbed clothes and went to get a shower.

Thank you for reading. I am doing a part 2. I might post it tonight or tomorrow night. Just depends on my mood. Hope you like it so far.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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