Quidditch and Confessions

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By the time Thursday had rolled around Aurora had found her nights to be more peaceful. She wasn't plagued with another one of those familiar nightmares so she managed to let the first one fall from her mind. She instead focused on more important matters, such as her first flying lesson. 

Fred and George had been talking relentlessly about techniques and gameplays that could possibly work to impress Madam Hooch. 

"You see Rora," Fred said, throwing the quaffle back and forth between the three, "We are missing a seeker this year." 

Aurora opened her mouth to object but Fred cut in again.

"-I know you want to be a chaser but you can always move to that position in a couple of years." 

Aurora considered his point for a moment, rolling the quaffle in her hands before throwing it towards George. 

"I do really want to join the team as soon as possible," She rested her chin on her hand, "but... I've wanted to be a chaser since I picked up a broom. I couldn't betray my rightful position." 

Fred rolled his eyes.

"This is Quidditch Rora, your not next in line for the throne." He shot at her earning a quaffle to the face. 

Besides their conversation Aurora knew it was hopeless to even dream that she might get a place on the team in first year, it's nearly impossible. She would just have to spend at least a year watching from the side-lines until she could finally soar above, feeling that wonderful rush of adrenaline that she had grown to adore. 

The flying lesson itself began at three-thirty in the afternoon. 

The sky was clear with not a cloud in sight for miles and the breeze was slightly strong yet steady; it was the perfect day for flying. 

Aurora walked down to where the Slytherins patiently waited with Seamus at her side. He was talking animatedly about flying on his broomstick in the summer and Aurora was listening with interest, throwing a comment in here and there about her own flying experiences. 

When they finally reached the Slytherins Aurora placed herself next to a bright girl named Daphne Greengrass. She was pretty with caramel hair that was always pinned back into intricate styles. Her family, quite like Aurora's, was one of the sacred twenty-eight yet the girl seemed more level headed than Draco and always greeted people from other houses with a small smile. 

Madam Hooch soon arrived with her eagle like eyes narrowing on every student.

There were a few things that Fred and George had warned her about: Madame Hooch liked to shout a lot, she wouldn't allow you to do any tricks and the broomsticks were... a word which Aurora's mother wouldn't like her to repeat. But, looking at the stick which they called a broom, she couldn't help but agree. 

Madam Hooch commanded them to stand by their broomsticks. Aurora glared at Draco as he pushed Lavender out of the way in order to use a broomstick in slightly better condition than the others. 

"Stick out your right hand over your broom and say, 'Up'" hollered Madam Hooch.

Aurora's flew into her hand as soon as she uttered the words, just like she had anticipated; she had done this about a thousand times before. 

She was delighted to discover that Harry's had done the same and she exchanged a bright smile with her godbrother. Her uncle James would of been so proud. 

Unfortunately, Neville's broom hadn't moved at all. Aurora took pity on her nervous friend so she caught his eye and, when he was gazing at her, she placed her broom back down and slowly demonstrated the best way to perform the task. He copied her movements and on his second try, the broom floated uneasily into his outstretched hand. 

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