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I felt something move in the general area of my chest and my eyes shot open. My hands instantly clawed at my assailant's arms and I scrabbled away from them. I looked down to see a large jacket, half-zipped up, on me which I hadn't been wearing before. Adrenaline pumped through my system as my eyes adjusted, my body itching to fight the person in front of me. 

I was almost sure it was the same man from earlier, but why would he have given me his jacket? My question was soon answered as they took a step towards me and my eyes finally focused. I let out a choked sob and gave Shoto a bear hug. With wide eyes, he slowly wrapped his arms around me, "Are you okay? It's way past curfew..." 

I stayed silent, not wanting to tell Shoto how unbelievably weak I'd been a few hours prior. I heard heavy footsteps behind us and I immediately tensed up, fearing the worst, but it was Enji who spoke, "There. We found her. Now let's go home."

I'd never been happier to see the gruff number 2 hero. I nodded, allowing them to take me to the house which I'd come to know as home. However, just before we entered, Enji gave me a pointed look, "Eat something, then go to bed. I have a villain to track down."

Shoto took me inside and Fuyumi instantly rushed over to hug me, "Y/N! Are you alright?!"

I stayed completely still, allowing her to comfort me. She kept one arm around me as she led me to the kitchen, then whipped up a fresh batch of F/F. My eyes brimmed with gratitude as I dug in, but tears soon started blazing warm trails down my cheeks. Fuyumi patted my back comfortingly as Natsuo watched from the doorway with a concerned expression. Fuyumi reassured Shoto that she'd take care of me and he reluctantly went to bed. When I finished eating, Fuyumi glanced at Natsuo and he cleared away the dishes. Then, Fuyumi took me to my room and sat me down on my futon, "Y/N, you need to change before you go to bed."

I nodded wearily, still reeling from my experience earlier. She sighed, then began gently pulling off my outer layers. She gave me a comforting smile as she laid my onesie onto my futon's quilted F/C covers, "Call me when you're finished."

I slowly got dressed, forcing my sore body to move. I finished dressing and shoved my dirty clothes into a corner, promising myself that I'd clean up on Sunday. I stared at the ceiling, "I'm done."

Even though it was barely louder than how I usually talked, Fuyumi quickly entered. She tucked the covers in, then gave me a warm, nurturing smile, "You're like a sister to me, did you know that?"

I shook my head a tiny bit and she chuckled, then pressed her cool lips to my forehead, "Good night, Y/N."


I woke to muffled arguing downstairs and groggily got out of bed. I made my way to the kitchen where the entire Todoroki family, minus Rei and Touya, were arguing. I listened in for a bit, my hopes gradually sinking as Enji silenced his family with a shout, "She's leaving and that's final! You were all complacent while she was here, so I let her stay, but now you're all getting too worked up over her! She's going!"

I walked in with a sniffle, "I guess I'm going back to dad's now, right?"

Enji's cold blue eyes met mine, "Yes, yes you are. Fuyumi shall help you pack your things and you'll leave tonight. I've contacted Hawks and organized everything already. After this, you will have no contact with my family anymore, they need to focus on their studies."

We packed my belongings in silence and my father arrived around noon. He loaded my stuff into the car, then gave me an understanding look, "You should say your goodbyes now, you might not see them again until you're a pro hero."

Fuyumi gave me a long hug, stroking my hair as she murmured, "Don't worry, we're not going to forget you as easily as father thinks."

Natsuo mussed my hair, "You're not so bad, Y/N. See ya later I guess."

Shoto's wide eyes narrowed and went cold as his coping mechanism kicked in, "Goodbye, Y/N."

And then he walked away. I left with my father, a sinking feeling growing in my stomach. I had a feeling I wouldn't be seeing him again anytime soon.


I never told Midoriya what happened that night, I simply kept studying with him as usual. Even though Kei promised he'd recommend me, it was no reason to slack off on my schoolwork. Our 'test' results kept getting better and better until we were both sure we'd ace the written exams. About 4 months later, it was time for me to do my written exam. The students who were to be recommended all came to UA for a written exam on different days to ensure their anonymity in case they didn't pass. The exam was considerably harder, designed to test the best of the best. I was extremely nervous, but I tried my best to stay calm and take my time. In the end, I was feeling pretty confident in my answers, but I'd have to wait a few days to see my results.


With trembling fingers, I opened the envelope. It was from UA and addressed to me, so it could only be my test results. The letter slipped between my fingers and opened slightly, revealing the words, 'Y/N L/N Written Examination Test Results:' printed in bold at the top. I gulped and reached for the letter, but just before I could pick it up, a red feather scooped it up. My dad glanced at it, then took one look at my expression before laughing, "Oh come on! What were you so worked up over!?" 

He returned my results to me and walked out of the room, laughing the whole while. When I finally mustered the courage to read the results, I was able to let out a huge sigh of relief. 

'Y/N L/N Written Examination Test Results:

Overall: 87%

Minimum needed to pass: 75%'

I'd gotten through by the skin of my teeth. Thank god.

Now to murder a certain bird.

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