f l o y d

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Hot, scorching, uncomfortable. Were the three words,every single man who stood at the position of attention, was thinking. Lewis Nixon tried to subtly swat at the flies without Captain Sobel seeing and possibly ordering him for "not swatting them like a man" When Nixon wasn't day drinking like a man in his mid life crisis, he made the company laugh quite hard.

Floyd Talbert shifted his weight underneath all the heavy gear and had to resist the urge to roll his eyes when Sobel threw Private Liebgott's bayonet. He had found that writing friends from back home was tiresome but Eva's responses and banter, even on paper, would keep him laughing even as Sobel was barking out orders.

"Thanks to these men and their infractions, any man in the company who had a weekend pass, has lost it" The familiar words sent every man to bite back from groaning or rolling their eyes. For Liebgott, it was fumbling with any explosive. "Change into your PT gear, we're running Currahee"

The men walked back to the Barracks, releasing sighs and strings of curses at Sobel under their breath. "God. At this point, I'd rather shoot Sobel than Hitler" Perconte muttered underneath his breath while tying his shoes. 

"Please. Just for taking away your weekend pass, Perco?" A man's voice is heard in the distance, as he's trying to hide all of his porn and nude magazines before Sobel checks the barracks. 

"Hey, you don't get it. I'm sick of having to follow Captain Dipshits orders down to the last word and having to eat this fucking disgusting food. At this point, I would go back home and live on the street if it means not having to be near Sobel" Frank sat up in a huff, following Liebgott outside to run Currahee. 

Floyd stepped outside with all of the other men, all in a wolf pack. Joe bickering with the company in front of them wasn't uncommon at all. "Did you see the private in there, not changing into PT gear at all?" Luz turned  to Tab

"Yeah, poor guy. I would refuse too" Private White was clearly new, he was quite young and had followed Talbert and Luz around for a few weeks. Almost as if he was a small child holding hands with his mother. The more aggressive soldiers didn't treat him too well, because Lipton had certainly let him off easy. 

"Why didn't you then? You could've stood up to Sobel" Perconte's voice fills Talbert's ears and for a moment, he couldn't tell if Frank was being serious. He pushed Frank a little "Because we would've had our weekend passes revoked. I was saving your dumb ass" Tab grins and chuckles a little to Perconte's death glares.

"Ah Easy Company" 5-6 soliders from a different company in front of Liebgott and all the men behind him. "And while you're running Currahee, don't worry, we'll take your dames to the movie for ya"

Joe's voice is loud, loud enough to make a CO look in their direction and reprimand them, but still he speaks "Yeah, good. They need some female company" The men, running at them and shoving them aside or swatting them, only ending up in them getting the bird


The word's from before, during Sobel checking them, are still present in Tab's head. Hot, uncomfortable, scorching.  Everyone answering Sobel's chants while running. Boot's hitting the dirt. Tab is reminded of Eva's letter to him when he told her what they did on their runs, and she had answered that it was like Trivia. The family game night's that the Talbert's and the Morris's had always ended with someone crying, someone not sharing the candy that the winner got, or it looks like a tornado tore through the living room. Floyd smiles and his stomach twists in knots at the reminder that he won't see home for a long time. 

He's quickly snapped back to reality by Skip tripping over his own feet, and he quickly rushes to help him stand up. "DO NOT HELP THAT MAN, DO NOT HELP HIM" Sobel's yells and Skip struggling to stand up and run at the same time are useless. And Tab runs beside Skip, lifting his arm up to stand up. 

The closer they got to the top of the mountain, Winters was at the top, pushing for everyone to finish in a more positive light. Sobel making personal remarks about nearly every solider, even Dick had to resist rolling his eyes. 

The run back was something else, nobody felt too tired now that it was going downhill. As they started seeing the barracks and soldiers, relief spread throughout their bodies. The feeling of half cooked food sounded better than nothing at this point. 


Eugene Roe was a damn good medic, he was just tired. And everyone knew that, nobody tried to do anything that would piss him off even more. So when a nurse came to the company, they were more than excited to see a woman. And of course, for Eugene to not be so tired.

It was one of those afternoons, that Easy had just finished another run up Currahee and were changing into their army green uniform. "You think she'll be blonde?" One of the men asks, referring to their nurse. "I know she'll be blonde. Hey, Tab, don't go fucking this girl. Leave her for someone else this time" The men laugh, and even Floyd chuckles. 

"Hey, no promises. And no, Muck, I'm not betting. You have your sweet Faye Tanner, don't forget" Tab steps out of the barracks, following Luz and Liebgott. But the moment he see's the woman with the medic band, he stops dead in his tracks. "Floyd, you okay buddy?" Liebgott nudges him, not taking his eyes off the brunette nurse who had her back turned.  "Think he's fallen in love without flirting? This is a new record" George snickers at his own joke, his eyes darting back and forth between Talbert and the nurse.

When she finally turns around, her red lips turn into a curled smile. "Miss me?" Eva's familiar, sweet but stern voice, fills Floyd's ears. "Nurse Eva Morris, nice to meet all of you" George immediately rushes to her side to shake her hand. 

"George Luz, but you can call me your boyfriend sometime, ma'am" he winks and Eva is reminded of the flirty Floyd Talbert. "I'm here to serve and to assist Eugene Roe, not to date foolish soldiers" She winks back, all in good fun.

"Joe" is all that Liebgott can muster out "I didn't know that nurses can serve with soldiers who have to train and work so hard. But if you want to help, you could help the lousy cooks in the kitchen" His remark leaves Eva to take a step back, she glances to Floyd for a second as he's shooting daggers with his eyes towards Liebgott.

But she smiles up at Lieb "I appreciate your concern, private. But I'll let you in on a little secret" Eva leans closer in "I can't cook to save my life. So if you're really concerned with a woman helping to save your life, and you want her in the kitchen instead, it really could go one of two ways. I could burn it down, and you wouldn't be eating much more food, or you know, you could get quite sick from it if you know what I mean" She leans back to stare up at Joe's wide open face. 

"That's what I thought too, private.. Joe" 

"And do we know each other?" Her teasing grin and firm handshake sends shock waves through Tab's skin. 

Floyd smirks down at Eva's light blue eyes. "I should hope so, miss can't cook to save her life nurse" 

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