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"You're joining the army?"  Eva's usually snarky, sassy, demeanor is broken as she's blinking back tears. She tried to focus on anything beside's Floyd's face, so she stared at the roses, growing in the backyard. Although , they were planted by her mother and Floyd would always pick one and give it "to the prettiest girl" 

Everything around her reminded her of him. They were both quiet for the moment, Eva knew the answer but something inside of her was silently praying he could do something to get out of it. Although she knew damn well that wasn't how it worked.

"You know, they pay you good money. A thousand dollars each month" His voice cracks as he's speaking.

"Then why didn't you get a job here!" She cries out, but the deed is done. There's no going back.

The memories are flooding her head now, as she sits at the kitchen tablewith a mug of tea. Floyd's letter is in front of her and she hasn't picked up the pen for over an hour.

When Floyd left, Eva took her heartbreak and love and threw it away. She let James Russel from three blocks over, ask her on a date, and another one, and another one until they had been dating for a little over a month. The back door slams, breaking Eva out of her deep thoughts

"Hey there" He kissed her firmly on her lips, but his attention going to the letter from Floyd in front of her. "You're still writing this guy? Really Eva?" 

She bit the inside of her mouth, a feeling of rage spreading all over her. "Yes I am, as a matter of fact. And you already asked me a few days ago, if you don't remember. By the way, I don't remember inviting you over" Her words are sharp, her tone icy,  and cuts through James.  

"You didn't, but is it a crime to want to see your girlfriend for dinner" He snarled out "Well" Eva put her mug down and walked into the kitchen, grabbing the oven mit, and pulling out a tray of what looked like burnt lasagna "If you want this, that's what I have. Now, if you excuse me, I have a letter to write back"

She took the letter and pen upstairs, and slammed her bedroom door shut. Sitting down at the desk in a huff, she began to write out her friend's name. Before she could write out the very interesting things happening in her life, the half ripped newspaper caught her attention. All the way on the other side of the floor, Eva had torn it out while looking for any funny comics in the newspaper.

Eva's black heels clicked across the marble floor, where she sat below her bed, scanning the propaganda ad for nurses. An address at the bottom of the paper, telling you where to go to register. She tore out the address and put it on her bedside table. Her mind swarming with the possibility of doing something other than cooking (and time after time, failing) or cleaning for her large family. She could see what Floyd was talking about in his letters, although it didn't exactly sound like paradise. 

Eva opened the bedroom door, and slowly walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Only to be met with the sight of her rather greedy boyfriend talking to her mother, by the oven. "Oh, Eva. Didn't I show you how to make lasagna?"

"Yes" She stares at James who's holding a smirk on his face, although she didn't know what he was getting at. "And did I show you how to treat a man?"

"Yes, you did. Guess I'm not very good at it, huh" Eva leaned against the wall, staring back into her mother's dark blue eyes. The energy is tense, until James breaks it "I'll say. I can't even eat this for dinner, but your mother offered to make me a sandwich. You really should be more like her, Eva"

Eva nearly couldn't believe why on earth she would date a man who would make such a fuss about dinner, he goes to his girlfriend's mother.

"Well, hopefully you can marry her and her cooking. And while you're doing that, I think I'm going to go downtown to register to be a nurse for the army. I'll see both of you, and your lasagna, sandwich filled children, around" 

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