p o s t t r a u ma t i c s t r e s s d i s o r d e r

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"It'll be dark soon. I want light and noise discipline. No talking, No smoking, and no playing grab fanny with the man in front of you, Luz" a chorus of laughs spreads all throughout the crowd. "We're taking Carentan, it's the only place where armor from Omaha and Utah beach can link up and head inland. Until we take Carentan, they're stuck on the sand. General Taylor's sending the whole division" Welsh informs of the orders as he straps the bags and armor over him

"'Member boys, give me 3 days and 3 nights of hard fighting. And you will be relieved" Luz's impersonation of General Taylor is so accurate, it's scary.

"Settle down, Luz" 

"Corporal Hoobler will be lead scout. First platoon, fall in behind Fox Company. You all from second and third platoon, follow us" Welsh's voice booms and he starts leading the company away. 

"Now the thing to remember boys, flies spread disease, so keep your closed. "You do the same, George" Eva's voice is monotone but it's hidden behind a wide smile as soldiers around her laugh and agree. 

The headache had deepened and the gunfire and shots being fired wasn't quite helping. Eva had been walking for hours on end, only making a few attempts to drink from her canteen. "Eva?" Floyd's southern accent rang in her left ear, and she broke her hand away from rubbing her temple for a quick second. 

"Hm?" The fire up above could only remind her of the plane on D Day, what she had witnessed that was bound to her mind forever. The tears threatening to spill out were quickly wiped away. Floyd noticed "Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine. Did you need something?" Her pace slowed down so she could let Tab catch up to her. 

"Um" He stumbled across his words, trying to think of a good way to phrase it. "Earlier, when we all met up and Liebgott approached you.." a red blush spread throughout her cheeks and she gulped, there was nothing to feel guilty for and yet she did.

"You looked uncomfortable. Did Joe say something?" Liebgott didn't do anything those hours ago, it was the way he looked at her. As if he needed her, as if he wanted to tell her something that was only for Eva to hear.

"I was just confused because he wasn't being a dick to me" Those were the words she chose, not he made me feel something different or my toes curled when he looked at me. 

"I love you, Tab. I'm not going to go run off with a new friend now. Lieb was just being nice to me" She brushed her shoulder against his.

Walking over the corpses left a sour feeling inside Eva's stomach and felt like an empty pit. "Shit" a voice muttered ahead of her, and Hoobler turned around. "We lost F company, sir" another empty pit feeling set inside of Eva's stomach. "Again?" Perconte, who had yet another watch around his wrist, rolled his eyes and let out a dramatic sigh of exasperation. 

The orders of finding F company, made Eva uneasy and she turned around to be met with Roe. "Any luck on finding morphine?" She sighed, a tired look spread about her face.

"I found some on a dead corpse" Roe handed her a syrette "It's funny, there's a fire all around here and yet I feel cold from seeing so many dead bodies" 

Her heart cracked as she stared at Eugene, there were dark bags under his eyes and his lips were cracked and chapped. She rummaged through the messenger bag and came out with a tube of CarMax. "Put this on your lips, they're severely chapped. I know what you mean, Eugene. And I'm sorry, it's terrible. We're both trained for this however, and you're one of the smartest, strongest people I know. You can do this, we both can" Roe's smile mirrored Eva's as she walked slowly away to find Winters.

"Sir, any news to why we've stopped?" Eva repositions the bag across her shoulder. Closing her eyes for a couple seconds as her headache deepens even more. "Yeah, why have we stopped?" Nixon appears from behind the two, chiming in like a little kid. 

"This is about officers crapping out on their training, Nix" Winters looks like he's resisting the urge to scream, which helped quite a bit back home. Especially into a pillow.

When she turns around, she's met with Bill Guarnere who is taking orders from Nixon. "Ah Bill Guarnere, my comedic relief"

"Sassy pants! How ya been? I haven't seen you since the jump, right? Anything with Floyd that happened, do I need to give him the big brother talk?" Bill questions as he fiddles with the gun in his hands.

Eva bit her lip as she looked over her shoulder, "No it's not about Floyd, but I applaud you for knowing something was up. It's actually about Liebgott, he looked at me"

"He looked at you, Eva?" Guarnere bit the inside of his mouth to quit from laughing and getting smacked. 

"He stared at me this weird way for a while. I mean it's stupid and I really shouldn't be worried about the way someone stares at me during a war, I mean this isn't a Friday night sleepover" Eva paused to take a breath "The way Joe looked at me felt weirdly nice but when Floyd came up after, I felt this sense of guilt and heartbreak"

Eva slowly glanced over at Bill who was smiling and shaking his head. He sighed loudly, and drew his arm over her shoulders.. "It's good to have you back Mrs Talbert-Morris-Liebgott" He laughed harder as Eva pushed him off, and gave him the finger.

And the last thing she really remembered seeing that day, was Floyd's wink to her. Oblivious to how his childhood friend just described one of his best friends.

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