t he l a s t d a n c e

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"What shot do you need?" Joe Toye leaned into Eva's side, she could barely hear his voice over the crowded Aldbourne bar.  "Double eleven" She shouted back into his ear, turning her attention to the Lieutenant who missed a shot and George Luz coaching him through it. Barely holding on to his patience as he assured Buck he was just having a tough night.

"Nice shot, sir" Bull handed Buck back the darts, and Buck thanked them as he handed them over to Eva. She stood tall, her shoulders were clenched and a feeling of trivial competitiveness set into place.  She squinted her left eye ever so slightly, and extended her arm. Aiming at the marked 7, the bullet hit the target right in the 7 mark. Toye clapped her on the shoulder, a familiar warm and friendly voice boomed out from behind her. "Morris, you're embarrassing the lieutenant here!" She smiled at Guarnere, taking a swig from the beer she was pretty sure was hers. It had been a while since she sat down, from nervous replacements bombarding her with questions and Luz insisting she play a round. "Just comes naturally huh, Bill" She slipped out of the groups circle  right when she heard Heffron betting. 

Eva settled on sitting at the barstool. All was quiet in her world with her chin leaning on the fist of her hand as she was deep in her thoughts. Quickly snapping out of it when the feeling of a body sat down in the seat next to her. "Win anything from the bet?" Tab's voice is clear as the cigarette is between his lips, struggling to get the lighter out of his pocket. Eva smiled, tossing him her own black one. "Didn't bet anything, I had a weird feeling George would've tried to beat me, and take almost anything I have on me"

Floyd lights the cigarette, leaning back a bit to Eva's direction "He's mischievous like that." His voice stops before he can say anything he needs to, to Eva.

The record starts playing. A Billie Holiday song played softly in the distance, almost as if it was trying to calm the crowd of rowdy soldiers. Talbert smiled behind his glass of beer, seeing Malarkey and Skip mess around with the record, fighting over the song choice. 

"May I have this dance, my lady?" Tab extended his arm, gesturing for Eva to follow him. "Who knew you were ever so chivalrous, good sir?" She wrapped her arms softly around his neck, his hands were respectfully placed on her hips. "I'm extremely gentleman like. Have you never noticed?"  He scoffed, playfully at her. "Must've been too busy being the wet willies  to notice you holding the door open for me" Eva giggled, staring up at him. He twirled her around. "I'm hurt, Morris" 

The song changed again, and so did her thoughts. "Your birthday was last week" Eva whispered, her voice was audible and she fiddled with the collar on Tab's uniform. "I'm sorry I didn't get you anything" His face isn't mad at the reminder, not in the slightest.  "We're off fighting a war, I'm not expecting you to throw me a party" Eva's face brightens under his words, a weight she didn't know she had lifted off her shoulders and almost as instantly as it's removed, she feels silly for thinking that." Floyd paused, and smirked "Although it would've been nice, I have my present right now"

Dancing with Tab was certainly a gift, although she knew he got cigarettes from Bull. They sway in a comfortable silence, and it's nice for that moment. Not having to discuss planning, or talk to a very tired Eugene about morphine. Complaining to a friend back home about never getting enough supplies, food, or sleep became a common thing for Eva. So it was pleasant to dance in silence for once, both of the Kokomo soldiers savoring it. Knowing it might be the last time they get to dance together. 

That was until Carwood Lipton spoke up and "we're moving out again"

And the whole pub fell silent

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