h e a r t b r e a k

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The August breeze picked up and blew Eva's medic uniform up a tad. She gripped the bag that was slung over her shoulder, all by herself at the train station was certainly a bittersweet feeling. Not a kiss or goodbye from her mother, not a "stay safe" or "come back safe"

Just a sharp familiar voice from the women who raised her "Write your brother to make sure he knows where you are, I told him  he could come back home and put your bedroom to use" Eva decided she hated calling her 'mom'. She chewed on the inside of her lip, quickly turning around just in case anyone wanted to wave her goodbye but nobody did. The train approached closer and closer, her stomach feeling like a zoo now. 

"Nurse?" A certain Philly accent broke her out of her thoughts. Bill waddled to the makeshift "medic area" Roe had set up .But when Eva arrived, He was more than glad to show her the ropes. Just happy someone else was there to put up with the constant injuries or replacements complaining.

"Hi, Bill. Do you need something?" Eva put down her pencil along with the start of the letter she was writing to back home. "Got blisters in the back of my heel, and it's fucking killing me" 

Eva dabbed a bit of rubbing alcohol on to a towel, not giving the solider any warning. "Fuck" he hissed loudly, until it was removed and replaced with a gauze bandage. "I have no idea why you all are the only company marching every Friday night, that's so ridiculous. And for what, too? You're some of the best trained soldiers I've ever seen" Guarnere smiled and stood "Tell that to Sobel, that asshole still thinks we're shit" Eva wiped her hands on a towel, and threw it down as she followed Bill out of the room.

"Training is almost over, we'll be on a train soon to  the Brooklyn Naval Shipyard. Just do this for a few more weeks Bill, just a few more weeks I swear" her words were hushed, if any CO like Sobel heard, he would make sure he put them through more shit. She quickly hugged Bill and watched him walk away as best as he could.


Dear, Mom nope, that's too formal. Hello, mother was that sarcastic? You can't tell a tone in a letter, can you?

"Hey Floyd, if I write 'Hello, mother' is that too sarcastic? will she sense my tone?" Eva nudged his shoulder. The weeks and weeks had come, and they were on a train to be shipped out. "Do you want to have a tone with her?" He turned over to lean on his head on her shoulder, growing more tired. She chewed on the top of the eraser, and paused for a moment to  stare at all of her erase marks. "Maybe. I've been on her bad side a lot lately, she wasn't too happy that I decided to become a medic instead of cooking for my boyfriend. And she's been weirdly defensive over him latel-" Tab interrupted her

"Since when do you have a boyfriend?" He sits right up to stare at her, his huge, pools of  brown eyes matching her icy blue ones. Eva turned to face his direction, "Four weeks, 28 days since you left. James Russel asked me to go dancing with him" 

"James Russel? Eva, are you serious?" The sense of heartbreak in his voice is clear, definitely to Dick Winters who looks up from his book to meet Lewis's knowing look towards Dick as well. 

"Yeah Eva, are you serious?" Luz and Perconte sit down in the empty two seats across from Tab and Eva. She smiled and bit her lip "He changed after I let him call me his girlfriend, became more controlling"

"Should've told me, I'll come back to Indiana with you and call him some names myself, I don't need nobodies permission" Frank said with a mouthful of chocolate his sisters had sent him. "Since when does Eva Morris date?" Floyd's trying to hide the hurt in his voice, his heart is heavy and it feels like there's a ball stuck inside his throat. The same feeling when one is about to cry.

Eva rolled her eyes "George, you got another cigarette?" As Luz is lighting her cigarette, she leans back releasing a puff. "Why do you care? You used to go around kissing girls all the time" But her answer leaves Frank and George chuckling

"Used to? He was making out with one right before we got on the train!" George laughs out, inhaling smoke from the cigarette and turning back to look at Frank chuckling . Chills run through Eva's body and she turns to look out the window, taking a long puff. "My point made" she mutters out before the familiar feeling of tears at the corner of her eyes can take over.

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