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The sound of boots from seven paratroopers was boring Eva to the point of her wanting to rip her hair out. Winters, Eva, and Hall had met up with four more paratroopers. With raincoats, a flashlight, and a map, they could figure out where to go. And seven kilometres was tiring. One of the men was about to speak up when they heard voices from several men walking their way 

"Flash" Winters called out, in the pitch black. The movement was enough for Eva and the rest of the men to make out that it was humans, other than that, nearly nothing. The moonlight could only shine on them for so long.

"Thunder" The voice that belonged to the other redheaded solider in Easy responded "Malarkey? Is that you?" relief spread through Eva's body, slightly relaxing her shoulders a bit. "Glad to see you sir" Some of the other men were unrecognizable but one voice who greeted Winters made Eva relax and feel safe once again 

"Gonorrhea" Bill turned to the quiet voice that called out his unfortunate nickname, but repeated her own 

"Sassy pants" Eva flew into his arms, giving him a quick hug but making sure to squeeze him hard "Don't scare me like that again, I thought I lost ya" 

"I made it out just in time" She smiled, relived. "Guarnere, go up front with Hall" Winters passed by Bill, trying to reach Lipton.

"Who the fuck is Hall?" Bill stared at Winters, almost as if trying to burn him down with his eyes. He just met up with you, only to be separated with some private? Bill began walking to the front but stopped to turn around "Morris, you coming?"  

They must've been walking in silence for 5 or 6 minutes along the train tracks before Hall motioned for them to crouch. Horses neighing in the background, the possibility if it belonged to a Kraut. That idea ran through everybody's head, and their hearts started beating faster. Winters ran to the fence, and stuck his head through it to see if the coast was clear. Eva's eyes paced back and forth between the men behind her and Winters, worry was rushing over her. "Guarnere, Lipton, go" the two men leading everyone closer to the sounds.

Dick could hardly see what was going on, he was crouched behind a brick wall with everybody else behind him. Waiting on his every command, and following his every move. The sounds of people and horses drawing closer, signaled everyone. Winter's nodded once and whispered sharply "Wait for my command" However, when the Krout man turned the corner, Guarnere started shooting. He fired round after round at the horse, and took each man out by a bullet to the back or head. "BILL" Eva's voice was powerless under his loud machine gun, firing and killing another man. Must've only been 19.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, GUARNERE" Winters's usually gentle voice is now firm and angry and makes Bill snap out of it "When I say wait for my command, you wait for my command. Got it?" 

Guarnere's death stare is back "Yes sir" Winters is satisfied with that answer, and walks to the front to look for Malarkey. "Bill, what the fuck was that?" Eva rushed to his side, slinging her bag over her shoulder and picking up his rough, calloused, hands. Scanning for any injuries, when she didn't find any, she dropped the hands and walked to where the rest of the men were.

Bill watched her walk and sped up to face her "They were fucking krauts, Morris. You would've shot them too" His voice is rage filled, clearly angry at Dick and knowing Bill and all of his friends in Easy, there would be some petty stories.

"I would've waited for a command, Bill" He looks away for a minute and Eva sighs "I love you Bill, you just should be careful and aware. We're going to war, you have to be responsible." He stares back over his shoulder at her, never being able to hold a grudge "I'm fine, sassy pants. I love you too"

Eva smiles and nudges his shoulder "Alright, it's a long walk. Try not to get any blisters, gonorrhea" and she speeds up her walk to find Winters. 

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