Remember the time and bad get into a fight

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After I and men in black finished showering.we went downstairs and saw everyone discussing except remember the time and bad. We went to them and I asked why happened guys. Thriller said bad and remember the time got into a fight. I asked why?? what happened????

He said well me and remember the time was chatting and bad joined us. After sometime remember the time said that he is going to ask you to sleep with him tonight but bad said he is gonna ask to sleep with you and they started arguing and end up in a fight. bad kicked him so hard in the crotch and he started to cry. we did know-how to you know make him feel better.

I said oooh Where is remember the time?? He said he is in his bedroom. Men in black said I think we should go see him. I said ya come on. I and men in black went upstairs and he got to the bedroom and saw remember the time crying. I went over to him and hugged him and said Mikey stop don't cry. He said but It-it so bad. I said oh my god uh men in black can you get the icepack from the fridge, please. He said sure I will be back in a minute. 

He went and closed the door behind him. I said did bad hit you anywhere else. He said ya he twisted my arm and its hurting a little but okay its little. I said umm and Mikey you can sleep with me tonight. He said really but what about bad he will hit me.I said noo Michaels he is not going to hit you again and I feel so guilty seeing you like this I am not gonna let bad near you. I said aww you're soo sweet and protective Maddie I love you soo much.

 And he hugged me I hugged him and he started to cry again. I cupped his face and wiped tears from his face. I said Honey don't cry I am there for u no one is gonna hurt you. He said you're best. I chuckled a little and gave him a kiss on the check. Men in black came with an icepack. He gave me the icepack and gave it to Michael. I said here use this and the pain will go. 

He said okay. He kept in on his crotch and he moaned which caused me and men in black to laugh. Men in black said seems like you like it. He said ya It feels good Why didn't this IDEA didn't pop up in my mind. Okay then I am going soo men in black you can take care of him Bye then. Men in black said sure I will.Remember the time said bye maddie.

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