Chapter 10

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NOTEThis chapter switches POV's to show each person's part in the "plan". Aiden's is the longest because I felt he needed a better introduction than the silent boy. Enjoy (: xx

✖ Chapter 10 


        IT WAS ODD to be a part of something as risky as escaping a mental institution. However, my stay of three years was in desperate need of an end, so it didn't take much time to agree. I didn't have many special qualities to help, but if there was one thing I was good at being, it was this:


       A strange thing to admit to, yet the perfect opportunity for distraction. I would start thrashing around, kicking and screaming. They would drag me to the seclusion room where I would be engulfed in white - the padded walls, padded floors, padded door, and of course the straight jacket. I was ashamed to say I was well accustomed to routine.

        But if the plan went correctly, I would be saved before I got locked into that torturous room, stuck with my thoughts and the voices in my head. The ones I know are there, but are also the reason I ended up getting thrown into this asylum. The only thing people believed about me was that I was crazy - that's all they'd ever believe.

     I watched Harry's lips as he ran over each detail, amazed at how someone could be so composed would speaking of a potential war. Megan fantasized about him far too much, but it was considerably reasonable. He was good looking and he was courageous - two main qualities women tend to look for in someone.

        Running over my part continuously, I still thought of the endless doubts. What if he wouldn't make it in time? What if I was thrown in and they had no key to get me out? What if they simply wouldn't care and abandoned me altogether?

        Excluding the thoughts from my mind, I tried to remind myself that Megan would come for me, if no one else. She had been there since I first arrived here and walked me through every awful step. She helped the voices go away, she helped the pain subside, and she even took pieces of my heart but I would never dare tell her that.

        Another thing worrying me was the fact that we weren't doing this at night, when everyone else was sound asleep. No, we would be doing this during the day. Right after lunch sometime tomorrow. It would all be real then, and I needed to muster the strength for it. 

        So the next day I spent my time evening my breath. I tended to get anxious easily, so a few breathing exercises were quite necessary. I could already feel my hands beginning to shake as my guard came to escort me to lunch. We were all reasonably quiet at the table, though trying hard not to draw too much suspicion.

        Harry and I would be showing our rabid sides today - acting or not. I was slightly relieved that I wouldn't be the only one lashing out, but also envious because Harry could actually defend himself. The best I had was my fingernails that I grew out specifically to scratch my arms when I got nervous. Though it might dig out an eyeball, the therapist usually made me cut them. So again, my thoughts decided I was practically rendered useless.

     They each gave me a slight nod when lunch was over, our table being one of the last intentionally. My guard came over, gripping under my arm and hauling me to my feet. I tried to walk normally though a bit rugged. Rigid movements were never a good sign from anyone.

        When we were out the cafeteria doors, many people had already dissipated back to their cells. I was grateful for the lack of audience as I yanked my arm, trying to snatch it from his grip. The guard snapped at me before tightening his grip.

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