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Kion was again alone, but now. He chose to be. "I'll just lay here for a tad longer, there is peace, no need to hurry. The rest of the guards got it under control." Kion let out a grunt. "See you soon Fuli." He smiled.

And now, there was peace, Kion was confident in that... but, then he realized. He had no purpose now, no reason at all, he did miss the heroic fights, the worst turned to best. . . but this is what he wanted. Peace. And in his den, he reflected upon the war of scar, he won. He did it.

"I SAID GO!" She yelled. "It ISN'T SAFE HERE! He'll keep going until we're all gone." She quietly sobbed. "You need to leave now my little one." She hugged her son. "Go. It will be alright." She finished, She them saw the attacker approach. "Good bye..." she whispered.

She then pushed him off the cliff, he had screamed the entire way down, until he had completely silenced. hoping he had survived, but she knew that she had most likely killed her son.

Whimpering... She fell to the ground, sobbing; she had just lived through seeing all her friends, family.. and son killed, by her own paws.

"Heh, don't take it personally. I never wanted this." He grunted. "It hurts. . ." He screamed. And fell to the ground as well. "I-I really didn't. . . Want to do this, it tricked me." He laughed. "P-please, just get it over with." She quivered. "Why do you make me suffer?" She stood up and looked directly into his eyes. "I promise you will die. . . It was him wasn't it? You were sent to kill him, you know you're creating it, right? You've just started it. Hope it was worth it." She lingerd towards him.

"I did didn't I? I guess I deserve this." He walked towards the lioness. "Say hi to him will you?" She flashed him as hard as possible, and shoved him off. "I can't wait to join you. . ." She walked away.

A while passed before a grunt was heard, a lone cry followed. "Mom?!" The animal yelled. He had witnessed the unimaginable... but besides that. . . he was ok, he was sore but had no major injuries.

His adrenaline was already gone, and he was barely able to stand. His shaky legs supporting his weight, the outer cliff walls giving the cub a spike of doubt to the small creature. "Why did she push me?" He asked. But before he could answer his own question, he heard someone calling him, witch was wired because the last time he checked with his leader, no one lived down here.

"Hello?!" He heard the voice shout, but it sounded louder. "Mom?" He sobbed. And ran towards the voice.

The closer he got the faster he ran. And once he got there, he was heart broken. "Oh, just my mind." He sighed, but this sadness was quickly replaced by curiosity. Beyond where he ran was a cave, glowing a emerald green. "I-it's calling me?" He questioned. He almost turned around, and find his mom. But he realised she was dead, everyone. . . Gone.

He sucked it up and walked into the eerie cave. There lied a huge gem, seeming to pulse. . . It was copying his heart rate. "C OmE." the gem seemed to beckon.

He approached the gem and held a paw out, he hesitated for 3 split moments before touching it. It hurt. His eyes widened and he yelled, before falling to the ground.

He opened his eyes, his vision blurry, only to partially see that the green light had dissipated, and after his vision was back to normal, he noticed that "the gem was is as well?" He retreated, leaving the cave and running to where he had been pushed off, there, he saw another lion, but this was not a lion, it was a monster.

"Oh it's you." He looked at the lion. "You sad freaking animal, how does it taste you stupid murderer?" He slashed the side of his body, only to recognise something was off... he looked down, only to see that his coat colour had been completely reverted, he was green. He freaked out, jumping back and breathing heavily. It took him a while to calm down, but he eventually pulled himself together.

He looked up at the sky, night was approaching. He could see the contrast of the sky shift, bringing only the brightest stars to be seen across the infinite abyss. How? Why? He had so many questions, he could not give the answer to them.

A lone tear came rolling down his face, he looked at the brightest star. He smiled. . "You were right dad." His smile slowly disappeared into a sad scowl. "So much for that." He walked alone the corner he had spotted during his retreat from the cave. But that led to another dead end, he was trapped.

"Ugh, dam it!" He yelled. How was he supposed to get out of here? Will it? "Ya that'll work." He sarcastically started.

His leg was damaged from the fall, and none the less he was tired, it was getting late, and no doubt that he would die down here if he did not get out. "How long was I out?" He questioned. "It was morning when he attacked." He looked up, but it was no longer dusk, it was mid-day.

"Huh?" He said aloud. Looking at where all the stars were. Witch there was no longer stars. He swore it was dusk just a second ago. "I probably just hit My head to hard." He chuckled. Looking at himself again. "Ugh I look ridiculous." He laughed.

Eventually he decided it was time to get out, but the question of how once again arose from his mind. He looked around for the umpteenth time, still to see he was trapped on all sides.

But, this was different, he felt weird, not the bad kind, but the type of weird that something was there. Something or someone was looking out for him. It felt good, it was like a motherly presence.

And then, the last thing that he expected to happen, happened. He was out of the hole, no climbing, just a flash and he was there, looking down at the rocky slope, it was a strait down drop, no one; especially not him. Could climb that.

"How?" He asked, looking at himself. But there was no difference. "I have to go find help." He came to the conclusion that whatever that gem was, he wasn't supposed to touch it.

And he left to find the nearest pride he could think of.

-time skip-

A lioness fell down a cliff, she landed right next to a cave entrance, the sent of a lone Cub filled her nostrils. Weak, she stood up. Shaking. She walked into the cave, there. Was the empty outline of a stone."Where is it? It should be here!?" She thought. "Must be the wrong cave." She grunted, and ran out of it, if she didn't get to that gem soon, she would die. There, she saw a green figure, standing a long ways away, her eyes widened in horror as she saw that green animal disappear and appear at the top of the crevasse. "N-no!?" She said. "NO" she started running, the wind blowing the opposite direction. "WAIT!!" She screamed when she saw the animal turn away. "No" she thought as she stopped, draining the last of her energy on that sprint, she collapsed, and passed out. Never to wake up again.

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