Chapter four- oh where are my manners?

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Hello! I hope you're all doing well, thank you for all the reads so far. But none the less, I do hope you all are doing good. A bit of side from my world; that today I was finally able to beat deadlocked, a level from a very popular game called geometry dash, then in under 30 min, I was able to get to 70% in clubstep. Not toeII though, that lvl is hard man. (Deadlocked was also my first demon lol)

"What the hell was that?" Fuli thought. Waiting for the dust cloud to to settle on the ground. Once it did, that lion was standing in a crater. Looking at them. He hysterically laughed. "I'll give you a head start." He said with a sadistic smile.

"Fuli! We need to go!" Kion whispered. Getting up. "No." Fuli whispered back. "You saw what he did back there." Fuli looked at the lion. "If we run we are just giving him the advantage." Fuli stated.

"Why do you always have to be right?" Kion sighed, and turned around. "Fine, just. . . Be careful." Kion stood up. "I don't know who you think you are, but you WILL leave." Kion snarled. Standing in front of Fuli. "Who am I? Oh where are my manners? My names Kare." He frowned. Stepping forward.

"And your friend is right, running would leave your back exposed, your smarter than the others. But that won't help you." He sighed. "Ready?" He asked, looking at his two opponents. "Why would you ask?" Kion snarled. "None of your business." He growled.

(Still not very good at fight scenes).

Kare pounced, Kion quickly defended himself by rearing back. When Kare landed, he turned and swiped his paw under Kion, making him fall down. And pinning him. "Easy." Kare snickered.

Fuli jumped up at him, taking him down and giving Kion enough time to get up. "Thought it was going to be-" Fuli started, before getting launched in the air. Landing a few feet away, standing up, and facing Kare, only to see an extended paw extended towards her, aiming for her face.

She dodged in the nick of time and swiped her paw sideways, missing by only few centimetres, and Kion came jumping over Fuli, tackling him. "Why are they so good?" Kare wondered. Knocking Kion off him. "It's because your not trying." A voice rang through his head. "Ya" Kare sighed. "You should've thought more about this."Kare shouted. Running towards Kion, Getting ready to retaliate, Kion prepared a defensive move, but Kare suddenly disappeared.

He appeared before Fuli. Claws extended. "Oh shi-" Fuli's eyes widened, trying to dodge the attack, and she barely did, but it ended in one of Kare's claws dragging its way over her side.

Fuli grunted, and returned with a blow off her own, scraping Kare's side. He stepped back. Glaring at Fuli. "You'll be the first to go." He snarled. Launching at her again. "Hah, you wish." She dodged to the side, letting him expose his cut, and swiping it again.

Once he got hit, he disappeared, appearing besides her. A glowing claw in the air. She quickly dodged, but being blasted back by the shock-wave. She flew, and skidded to a halt on the rock, scraping her side. Landing right next to Kion. "Fuli are you OK?!" Kion lifted her up. "Ya. . . Ya I'm fine, Look either we... we make him retreat or we die, he's still holding out I can feel it, we need to use it Kion, use the roar." She groaned. "You need to, to knock him into pride rock." Fuli started. "G-Go." She looked at the Kare. "I'll distract him." She launched herself at him. Kion stuttered, before getting into place.

Kare dodged with ease, ramming her in the side. Knocking her towards Kion. Now winded, she couldn't retaliate. "Goodbye." He prepared a final strike. "NO!" Kion yelled. His pupils dilating. Dark clouds forming behind him, this brand the notice of all animals in sight.

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