Chapter three- glitch in the matrix

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Hello everyone, I hope you all are doing fine today, I don't really have an authors note so just enjoy the chapter. Oh wait, I might as well tell you about a dream I had. I can't remember all of it, but I do remember this.

(Warning, all my dreams are confusing)

So I started off playing terraria, I was in a call with one of my friends I was trying to spawn a boss or something, then my friend left, and my house was hit with a meteorite, (in game) after that, I was in minecraft, a boss fight was happening. And once I defeated it.

(Interesting bit below)
I was in a house in the middle of the woods, signs lined the walls of why I was there. All saying that I made a mistake of some kind. After that I focused on getting out, past the windows, it was night, there was no sun or starts. I could see dimly lit houses the lights of 18 century lamps in the panes.

The windows began to shrink, and I saw a door, they were locked though, I looked around for another answer, but found none. I saw these levers on the ground next to the doors, I pulled them and the doors opened.

When I got out the house disappeared, and I ran to some mansion, where I found a few people, they enlightened me on what was going on, apparently a human got greedy and gathered followers to take over the world, they succeeded. But at a cost. During one of there raids they breached a virus containment facility, one was infected with a nano bot based virus, it spread and killed everyone, except a few. After that the few survivors saw that the sun was the issue, it couldn't survive without photosynthesis as it's energy source.

I took off towards a river, there was some people there, and a multi, glowing eyed figure following me. And once I decided to turn around, it confronted me, and drowned me, now, anyone would expect to wake up after that right? Nope. I was: at a school trip to a grocery store, something about getting on a rocket happened next, and I was at a summer camp, which was the rest of my night, there too many things to explain what I did, but that was a heck of a ride.

Anyways on to the chapter

Kion was sitting in the middle of a scarlet lit sunrise, in his mind he was wondering where everyone was, it was time for patrol and even Fuli was late. "At last the sunrise is here." He chuckled, he looked back at the lair, its slowly lightening walls, and the spot on the ground where the light shot through the small ceiling.

He looked  back at the sunrise, the far away clouds dotting the horizon. It was the best one yet. Kion kicked the dirt below him. "Well I don't want to patrol until sunset again." He thought and jumped off towards the first part of the pride lands, once there. He saw that the river had emptied, and come to think of it, there were no animals at all coming here.

"That's. . . Odd" he sighed. Walking towards flat ridge rock; it had been destroyed. "" HOW?" He thought, his mouth agape, not even Beshte could do that.

The sun suddenly flip-flopped in the sky, dusk was now approaching. He flinched in the sudden change of light. Kion ran everywhere, there was no one there. He started yelling after desperation kicked in. Was he alone?

"Mufassa?" Kion asked. "Grandfather?" He yelled at the clouds, but all the clouds dissipated. He was at mbili fields, but it wasn't burned, nor recovering. A black essence emanating from the still grass.

Things didn't feel right.

"HELLO?!" Kion yelled, a lone echo blading it's way past him. He was so thirsty, so he walked to the watering hole, but it was empty, exposing the underwater cave that they swam through to avoid dying in that fire.

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