Chapter one -reflections and memories

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Hello everyone, I'm writing this about 30 min after I published the last chapter; and as my note I'd like to say that me and a friend had a argument, I hate it when it happens but I couldn't avoid it, not like it matters.

But on to the chapter.

The moon was high above the sky, and a cheetah, who still lay awake, watched it with anticipation, she had just finished her week she had promised to give her family, after hearing that they were alive she was overthrown with glee, but the more she thought, that night she realized what they had done, she always thought that they died, to save her. . . But they didn't, and all those years she spent alone, those feelings she thought she HAD to endure; she did not.  They could have found her, they could have loved her, but apparently they didn't.

And now, with the last night over, she could only think of one animal she wanted to see, only one thing she wanted to do.

Fuli kicked some dirt, her black silhouette barely illuminating in the silver light of the moon. She sighed. "So much for family sticks together." Fuli sighed, and walked away. It was decided, she was leaving early.

She had missed everyone so much, the patrols, the laughs, and even the action, she knew she wasn't the only one who felt like that. I think her, Kion, and Bunga were the only few who missed it.

Fuli listened to the trickle of the river, only a silent, slightly louder rush could be heard from the falls below. She remembered that, that day. She was so afraid that Kion wouldn't make it, and yet there he was later, side by side with a hyena.

She looked at the re-growing mabili Fields, that was the day we learned, that was the day everything changed. Scar, Fuli tense up with the memory.

She crossed another hill, and another one. The moon was slowly sinking, giving everything a shadow. The stars, emitting their own, way dimmer light. Reminded her of that night, the first time they met. It was so clear, so perfect. . . So lonely. And that night reflected it like a mirror to her past, she could envision her -self playing on that green hill, trying to take her mind off them, gradually she did.

She passed the watering hole. It's near bursting, but still banks, reflecting the moon in a perfect way, this was the pool where they had to swim away from pride rock, that was a nightmare, I almost died that day, he almost died that day.

She continued down the path, each place lining out a memory, it was beyond her, maybe she was bored.

She finally made it, pride rock. she could see the brightening sky from her left, The way that the moons light had reflected off the magnificent rock, she truly was lucky to see such a sight everyday.

She passed underneath the dim shadow that the outlook was creating, and looked back. Beyond her laid miles of terrain, and very far away, jutted out a spike, the volcano, that last battle, it gave her nightmares.

She worked her way along the side of the rock, walking past the steps that went up to the royal den, and arriving at the entrance of the lion guard lair. She envisioned it when it was covered in flaming dbree, she shook her head before realising that it was only a vision.

She sighed, and slowly padded into the lair, the scent of Ono Beshte, and Bunga but she could not smell Kion. And as much as she missed Beshte's hospitality, Ono's smarts. And even Bunga's stupidity, she wanted to see Kion more than ever.

So she turned around, and followed Kion's scent. It led her back at the entrance, and over to the back way to the lookout. She climbed up and up, until she had reached the stable path that they had marked.

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