Chapter 5- Target and destroy

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Hello everyone, hope you all are doing well, anyways I'm sorry for the late update, but this chapter needed so much editing.

Anyways I again apologize for the late update, school hit like a truck, then writers block decided to occur and I had a family trip, so I had so much homework, and the list goes on, as my increasing irrelevancy spikes, to whoever is reading this currently, I hope you are doing well, and I hope you enjoy.

"You're a monster, a mistake, and a cowered!"

"I- I never wanted to hurt you please! You made me!"

You'll never admit will you? This is your fault."

"No you don't understand! Please!"

"You keep them around... why?"


"Is it because they offered you liberation?"

"I-...yeah I guess your right."

"I offered you everything you told me you wanted, and yet you killed me."

"Y-you wanted me gone, no one wanted me around."

"I wanted you around."


"No, don't you 'please' me."

"I just wanted to be happy."

"And this will help?"


"Hey get up!"

Kare shot up, and looked at the voice. "Oh hey Zira, sleep well?" He yawned.

"Yes, you?" Zira smiled.

""Erm, Yea...." kare sighed.

"Ok so, I was thinking that this Kion needs to be rid of." Zira spoke, turning the corner into the daylight.

"Ya I agree, he really was a foe for you wasn't he?" Kare jumped over a rock, landing on the ground with a light thump.

"No not really, I just need to mess with Simba."

"But you understand how to beat an enemy right? What comes first is the emotional dispute, if you can cause enough emotional trauma, he will be weakened, and as a backlash of this, an easier attack. And a higher chance of victory." Kare explained, sighing as he let out the rest of the air he had.

"You know, your right." Zira chuckled. "You almost always are." Zira jumped over the last rock that led to the meeting meeting ground of her pride.

Below them, everyone was awaiting their leader, silently mumbling between themselves.

"You already have a plan don't ya?"

"Always Do."

Kion looked at the sky, there were some darkening clouds looming over the land, and some casted rays of light at their borders, sending that light to the ground, the sun was high,the guard went Who knows where, and Kion was still guarding the cave entrance, waiting for Kare, his mind was still strong, not broken by his drowsiness or lack of concentration skills.

"Morning Kion." A female voice yawned behind him, Kion's ears tilted back, listening, "morning." Kion didn't glance. Instead he looked onward, watching the plains at a distance.

Kion heard paw steps approaching from behind him, he would ask Fuli if she wanted to go and watch a sunrise, but that point was long gone. Fuli sat down besides Kion, curling her tail around her and scanned the lands. "Boy I really slept in." Fuli chuckled. "Ya you did!" Kion laughed. "Why was that so funny?" Fuli asked Kion, tilting her head slightly to the side.

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