Chapter6- losing control

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Hello all, hope you all are doing good, anyways I know I probably won't get a response but what is your opinion on this book, any ways you think I could make it better? I think this book will have 5 more chapters, faster than I wanted it but if it gains popularity in the future maybe a sequel will be in order, so I'll set the ending up as a cliff hanger (please don't butcher me) and that way if I do do a sequel, I will have a pre existing story line set up for it.

Until then I'll do another book in between, and I'm wondering if you have any input on what you guys want it to be. I think the options would be a (1:) a season 4/ continuation of season 3 story. (2:) a reader POV story. (3:) anything else I'll up for suggestions. (Quote the variety huh XD) Anyways on to the chapter.

"You know the consequences of letting him live?"A voice echoed through the vast empty sky. "He is yet a cub, he can be guided by IT?l, this stone, though existing through the wrong person, only wishes to be at use, to be helpful." Another voice rang from the darkness, echoing again through space. "We cannot let this very impressionable cub, that has just seen his own family demolished, carry such a source of power." His voice raising above the others. "Very well, sir, we will make sure that this cub has been vanquished." The two bowed. "Good, be good, and I will grant you what you wish."

(Scene below contains self harm, and may/will be disturbing, please skip until noticed if you are sensitive to this manner. Thank you. (No like, I'm actually serious, please heed my warning))

"Kion help me!" Jasiri's voice rang through the clearing. "Hold on I'm coming!" Kion yelled, running towards the voice. As Kion turned the corner, she saw Jasiri cowering below Kare, a wicked smile on his face. "Kion! Kion what is this... thing?!" Jasiri yelled, trying to get as close to  the wall as possible.

Kare looked Kion dead in the eyes, a smile plastered on his face, blood dripping from his fangs. "Fuli's next." He chuckled, turned to Jasiri, and struck one powerful blow to her head, she fell limp immediately. "NO!" Kion yelled, running towards Kare. "She's next." He smiled, before dissipating into thin air, a girl like scream could be heard in the distance.

"No, No no NO." Kion screamed, falling to the ground in heartbreak. "I'LL KILL YOU! I'LL END YOU I'LL KILL YOU I'LL MAKE YOU SUFFER I'LL.... I'Ll.... I'll.." "you'll what? I'll continue until everyone is gone, your family was just too easy I'll tell ya, heh, just had to snap their little necks." Kare chuckled. "Bunga, Beshte, Ono, your entire pride, it was so easy. Even Zira and Janja's entire clan... you were the easiest group of people to vanquish in my entire journey." Kare smiled. "I always leave one survivor though, have fun!" Kare scoffed and disappeared.

Kion was left there, his cries could be heard for miles. He slashed at Boulder after boulder, screaming in agony as he did so. Continuing until his paws were torn and bloody. He collapsed, his heart hurt, it hurt beyond anything he had ever felt, after a few hours he had finally calmed, sobbing in a labyrinth of bloody claw marks. Kion looked at his claws, and slowly smiled. "I won't give you the satisfaction...." he raised his own claws to his throat. "Of winning." He slashed his claws across his throat, smiling as he did so "see you soon, my love."

(It should be OK from now on, thank you for listening :) ))

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! It's just a dream!" A girls voice sobbed through the dark lair.

Kion slowly faded into consciousness, unaware of what was happening. His face was soaked in tears, and his paws hurt like the devil. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! Fuli cried, hugging Kion. "I-I Fuli?" His voice broke. "Oh thank goodness!" Fuli cried, "I couldn't see you like that any longer!" She pressed her head into Kion's fur. "I-I I thought I lost you." Kion wrapped his arms around Fuli. An incomparable relief surging through his body.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2020 ⏰

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