Chapter two -patrol

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Hey everyone! Probably no one is reading this right now, but I wanted to ask how you thought of the story so far, I'm kinda speed writing this, I'm on day 2 of this book and I've been able to keep up daily updates. (Wow so impressive............)

On with the chapter.

Fuli, Along with the rest of the lion guard following her. Looked at the watering hole, the sun beat down at the guard. Given it was a hot day but it wasn't that bad. The fact that there was no wind was the main issue, without wind a scent could not travel as easily, and that was the issue. The animals in the Outlands were still angry, and though they had no reason to attack, they could if they wanted to. . . "Fuli!? We're thirsty!" Bunga shouted from behind her.

"You had a long drink at the lair Bunga!" Fuli shouted back. Passing the watering hole and continuing onwards. "Bu-" Bunga stopped. Reminding himself not to push her.

They crossed hill after hill, and eventually, they reached the first spot on their patrol: flat ridge rock, it was kind of an inside joke at that point.

"Ok everyone! We're here." She looked back at the guard. She saw smoke in the midst of her peripheral vision. She shook her head, took a breath and ignored it. "We'll go our normal path. Ono. You take the sky, tell us if you see anything.

"Affirmative!" Ono shouted, taking off towards where Bunga could not splash him. "Beshte, you take the separate path, Bunga and kio-" Fuli paused. "Bunga you're with me." She ordered. "Really?!" Bunga smiled. "Ya, just don't push it, come on." She walked down to the river and walked along it, the torrent giving her a relatable peace, for this is what her life was, a torrent, like the river though, at the end of every strife, laid calm.

She crossed the point where Kion had fallen in, half of the log still stuck on the shore beyond her.

"Fuli, Kion seemed tired. . . Was he?" Bunga asked, walking along the river. Fuli laughed, As tired as I've ever seen him Bunga, what happened while I was gone?" Fuli looked at Bunga with a curious face.

"Ah you know him! He's just so paranoid!" Bunga shouted. "A bit quieter Bunga, were near the Outlands. "Oh Yea! He just couldn't shut up about how he missed you so much." Bunga laughed. "It was sad!" He smiled. . .

"But, he's bored. I can tell, just like me he's itchn' to fight." He jumped up. Fuli chuckled, but she had to get her thoughts out of her head sooner or later. "You see that river Bunga, that's where we are right now, we're at the slow bit. Something bad is going on, I can feel it." She looked around. "Ono?! See anything?" She yelled. "No! Everything seems calm." Ono shouted back.

"Good, lets go to our next area." Fuli walked inwards towards pride rock, where a large field of grass laid out before them, herds were jumping around in the heart of the day. "Bunga, go and scout ahead. I'll stay here." Bunga nodded, and sprinted ahead.

Fuli looked around, taking in the scent of the grass, in precaution of an attack. To her surprise, the wind finally started to pick up, She could see the grass begin to flatten at the edge of the field, dancing in the wind gusts.

"I think I see something!" Ono swooped down and hovered next to Fuli. "Where?" Fuli whispered. "There's some animals sneaking around down that way." Ono pointed with his wings. "Ok, you stand by in case we need help.

"Affirmative." Ono whispered and took an airial advantage.

Fuli snuck forward to where Ono had pointed. And tried to stay as silent as possible. She started to hear rustling. There was some animal there no doubt.

There were silent whispers, but Fuli wasn't dumb enough to engage in a group of animals that she had no clue who they were. Her ears were perked towards the whispers, but no matter how hard they tried to hear them, she could not hear them clearly.

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