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Your POV

"Huh.." I sighed. I was in my cottage lying on my bed and staring at my iPod. If only I had someone to iMessage and be normal with. It's not like anyone would like me anyways... Ok, let me introduce myself. My name is y/n and I am half vampire half siren. I know what you're thinking: 'Impossible!' or 'What a freak....' Here's how it happened:

I was five years old. My dad was taking me to practice hunting in the land of aaa. We were floating above a lake about to practice sucking the blood out of fish.
"Ok, so the fish think you're not gonna hurt 'em right? It's a peaceful night. But then, there's us! What you're gonna do is..." dad blabbed. I wanted to learn how to hunt, but I couldn't concentrate with that handsome guy in the distance. I could have sworn he smiled at me. Suddenly, he started singing. It was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. Without thinking, I began to float towards him. He held out his hand. Without hesitation, I took it. Suddenly, his handsome face disappeared turning into a monster's. I gasped and tried to escape his grip. He wouldn't let go. Suddenly, he pulled me down underwater. I felt something bite my hand. I yelped in pain.

"Y/n?" my dad called in the distance. "Y/n!" he said spotting me. The red eyes of the monster was the last thing I saw as my dad pulled me out and back to the nightosphere.
I woke up in my bed with my family crowded around it. My mom, dad, and baby sister; Claire. They all looked concerned. Suddenly, a flash of anger came across dad's face. He slapped me. I screamed.
"How could you be so stupid? Why did you float toward that siren? You should've been paying attention to me! You're a vampire, not a worthless sailor! You could've escaped!" I sniffled.
"W-what's a s-siren?" I asked.
"The siren is what bit you," my mom said. I looked down at my hand seeing two holes- siren teeth marks. "Sirens lure their pray by putting them in a trace using their singing voice. They make you think they're the most beautiful thing in the world and kill you once you get close enough. If you weren't a vampire you're hand would be gone right now. However, being bitten comes with a price. You are half siren now." I gasped.
"No daughter of mine falls for a siren! I can't have a sea creature in this family. NOW GET OUT!" Dad hollered. I ran out in tears.

And that's how it happened. Ever since that time, I wondered around the land of aaa trying to find someone who will accept me. After 90 years, no one did. They either ran off afraid or called me a freak . When I sing, it curses people so I have to stay hidden. I finally settled down in a cave and made a cottage inside. I wasted my immortal life playing music and listening to music. Music is the only thing that accepts me.


A/N: Hey Readers! Like i said that THIS IS NOT MINE I JUST COPIED IT ON QUOTEV. Okay Bye! *grins*

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