Lets Stick Together

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Your POV

"(y/n)?!" Claire exclaimed. I nervously bit my lip.
"H-hey Claire..." I stuttered. Please don't hate me!! She smiled widely and wiped her eye, crying tears of... joy? She ran to hug me -tight. I smiled wider than ever, maybe even wider than the first time Marshall kissed me.
"You don't hate me!" I laughed hugging her back.
"I'm so glad you're alive," Claire whispered into my shoulder. Finally, we pulled away. I looked to Marshall. He gave me a reassuring smile.

"So... should the rest of us go?" Fionna said awkwardly. Claire frowned slightly.
"Yeah... me and (y/n) have some family biz to talk about. But Gumball's in my house so I'll have to make up an excuse..."
"Marshall can crash at our's and wait for you guys. You can go to Marshall's," Fionna suggested. Marshall growled. I guess a good girlfriend would do something about that.
"Me and Claire can go to my house. Marshall probably wouldn't like your plan, Fionna,"
"That's the point.." she muttered. Marshall looked ready to punch a wall.
"Ok, (y/n)'s house it is," Claire said settling it. "The rest of you go. (y/n), wait outside my cave while I deal with Gumball."

Everyone agreed to that.

--time skip to your house--

"So... how are mom and dad?" I asked as Claire walked into my living room and sat on the couch.
"Not so good," she confessed.
"Why not?" I asked sitting next to her.
"Well... according to mom, the day you were bitten was the day dad started going crazy. She had to take him to the queen of the nightosphere's highest rated psychiatrist. In like, all of the nightosphere. Anyway, he was always there. For 10 years, he never visited me and mom. It was on my birthday that he came home. But , he was really different. I never had the chance to get close to him but even I knew something was wrong. He was like a robot. He didn't smile, he didn't cry. He was just.. plain? I don't know how to describe it. Mom went to Aaa for a few days. When she came back, she told me she had gone to wizard city to talk to some guys in a secret society. They gave her a potion,"

Claire dug in her pocket and pulled out a vial with a purple liquid in it.

"The way she used it was by combining her and dad's blood and putting it together and into the potion and drinking it. It was supposed to give her the power to see Dad's memories. To find what happened. But it went wrong. The nightosphere police suddenly barged in and took both mom and dad away," she sniffled, crying. I hugged her. "Sshh," I cooed. Claire sniffled in my arms.
"M-mom was charged for illegally leaving the nightosphere to get the potion. T-they s-said they'd keep her in jail for the rest of her immortal life.." she was silent while fiddling with a large bracelet on her wrist. (A/N: look at the handholding pic. that's the bracelet.)
"Mom gave this to me on my 10th birthday. The day dad came home as a robot. A few days before she was taken away. This is all I have left of her.... How could they be so cruel?! It's not fair!" Claire yelled standing up and punching my wall.
"Sorry.." she muttered not turning around from the wall she had punched. I stood up and hugged her. She turned around and hugged back.
"I need you (y/n). You're all I have left. I just want to have a real family. Ever since I was little my sister was never there and my dad wasn't either. When dad came back he wasn't my dad anymore. I had mom until they took her away and before I knew it I was all alone," Claire cried into my shoulder.
"The reason I came to Aaa was to find you. I didn't want to be alone anymore,"
"I need you too. I didn't have anyone for 900 years until I met Marshall. He introduced me to so many people- including you. He was the way I found out I still had a sister. I can't believe I thought you'd hate me... we need to stick together." I declared. She nodded and let go of the hug. I looked into the deep maroon eyes I never got the chance to know over 900 years. I want to know them. I want to be there for Claire.
"Claire, let's find out what happened to mom and dad."

A/N: The end! Lucky for everyone who really wanted Claire to be good, she is! Exited for the new storyline? ;) Peace out!

Fake Smile {Marshall Lee x Reader}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora