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Your POV

"You little...." Gumball muttered angrily taking a few steps toward Marshall. With every one of his steps, Marshall took one back. Gumball raised his fist and punched Marshall right across the face.
"OW!" Marshall yelled. "What was that for, you b*tch?!" he stood up and punched Gumball in the stomach, causing him to fall to the floor holding his stomach in pain. I looked to Marshall. He didn't seem to regret it at all. He was scowling at hurt prince gumball angrily. His red eyes were filled with fury and his face didn't show the fun smirk that usually was on his face. He looked down-right furious. I couldn't take seeing him like this. Getting up, I put my hand softly on his shoulder. He winced at my touch and turned to face me. As quietly as possible, I whispered:
"Stop." his face softened. He lowered his fist and turned back to Prince Gumball. He glared, but didn't seem as angry as before.
"Why did you punch me for no reason?" he asked.
"I h-had a r-reason y-ou d-d-ueche," he stuttered. He took a deep breath and staggered to his feet. Fionna walked over and held him in position.
"You got y/n to ditch me, just like every other girl I try to be friends with. Fionna, Claire, and now y/n! Can't you let me have a social life?" He asked all at once. He coughed violently at the end. That must have been all he had in him. Wait, is he mad about me? I turned to Marshall. He looked surprised, then angry.
"Let you have a social life?!" he practically screamed. "You rule a f*cking kingdom full of f*cking happy people that respect you more than anything in their petty little lives! You're made of candy and most girls adore you including Fionna and Claire! Look, I'm sorry you can't get y/n to like you like everyone else does, but you don't have to act like you actually know how it feels to be alone! You know who really is alone? ME! My own f*cking mother wants me to grow up and be a cold-hearted monster. I don't exactly have a dad and the only person who ever really cared about me has gone completely crazy and spends her life kidnapping men! Everyone else is only friends with me because they're afraid or they feel bad for me. Do you even know how it feels to keep all that inside? To wear a fake smile all the time and try not to always wish you're dead? I'M the one without a social life here. You're the lucky overly-happy candy-man that everyone adores. So don't go around trying to get people to feel f*cking sorry for you because your life is already f*cking PERFECT!"

Everyone stared at him, including me. Everything he just said basically mirrored my life. He may have had different experiences, but he seems to feel the same way I do. Someone who knows how I feel? Is that even possible? Could that mean I'm not the only one who feels this way?

A/N:Nice Speech Marshall... *ehem*

Fake Smile {Marshall Lee x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now