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Marshall's POV

"Because your life is already fucking PERFECT!" I yelled. Everyone in the room looked stunned. I was just so angry with Gumball. I was so jealous of him and he was always rubbing it in my face by pretending that he's miserable. And then people feel bad and go comfort him. No one cared about me. They would ask what's wrong and say they feel bad for me but they don't truly care. They don't know how it feels. I can read their emotions, I know who cares and who doesn't. The people who pretend they pity me just make me mad. I looked to y/n. She had a stunned look on her face. I looked closely at her. The way she was looking at me... in her eyes.. she knew how I felt. I don't know what she's been through but I know she understands. No... it has to be my imagination. (A/N: Marshall can read people's emotions and he's reading yours now. Just felt like that was kinda confusing so I had to clarify. Kk, carry on reading!) No... I'm just seeing what I want to see.
"I- I should go," I found myself saying as I floated quickly- a bit too quickly- to the door.

I flew. As fast I could, I flew. To my cave. To my guitar. To the only thing that will make me the slightest bit ok- music. I brushed past the branches in my forest and barged into my house. Sobbing I flew up my ladder and into my messy bedroom. My axe bass propped up against my bed. Sobbing I picked it up and began to strum the only song that explained me: Fake Smile.

Verse 1:

Does anyone know at all
What it's like to feel pain
Oh oh oh

Does anyone know at all
What it means to say
I'm not ok
Oh oh oh


'Cuz I feel so completely alone
Like I'm a prone to sadness


Survive, survive
Live or die

Survive, survive
Just so I don't feel pain

Survive, survive
Can't stop crying now

'Cuz no one understands what it's like
My whole life is me riding a wheeless bike

It's hard to walk away from the past
Hide the pain
Shield the cold
Wear a fake smile

Verse 2:

Days come days go.
Night falls, but goes by

The present is now the past.
Our mistakes have gone
But the memory remains

The regret will never leave
We see things that haunt us
We feel things we'll never forget
We wanna hide
So we put on a fake smile


I sniffled. That song always made me sad because it reminded me of how I really feel. What's behind my fake smile. I put my bass down and floated to my bed. Putting my knees to my chest I wondered what y/n thought of me. Did she think I was a freak? Did she fake pity me? I'll never have the nerve to talk to her ever again.
"Y'know, you should really lock your door," a girl's voice said next to me. I looked up to see the very girl I was thinking about, y/n.


"Yeah, probably." I said with a sad smile. She sad smiled back at me and playfully shoved my shoulder. "Scootch over," I floated sideways making room for her to sit next to me on the bed. After a bit of awkward silence, y/n finally broke it.
"Marshall, can I tell you a secret?"

--time skip to when you finish confessing--

Your POV

"So yeah. You probably think I'm a freak now. But when you were yelling at Prince Gumball, the things you were talking about feeling... I've felt a lot of those things too. I understand if you don't like me anymore I just-" I was cut of by a warm sensation on my lips, keeping me from talking. It turned out to be Marshall's warm lips pressed against mine. He pulled away. Did Marshall Lee just kiss me?! I stared at him in shock. He cleared his throat and said three words I thought I would only here in my dreams:
"I love you."

Fake Smile {Marshall Lee x Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن