Accidental Jam Session

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Your POV

"Survive, survive. Live or die. Survive, survive, just so I don't feel pain..." Music blared out of my speakers. (A/N: The song is made-up. You can make up your own tune. :D ) This is literally all I do all day besides eating, watching tv, playing guitar, or just lying on my bed and wishing for a better life. I grabbed my electric guitar and plugged it in playing along with the song. It was my favorite. Explains me perfectly.
"Walk away from the past. Hide the pain shield the cold...." suddenly, I heard a voice chime in with me. I jumped in surprise to look at my one and only friend- would be right to call him that?- Marshall Lee. Or just Marshall, like he said. He smirked at me. He was holding what looked like an axe, with guitar strings on it? I looked back up at him. He gestured for me to keep singing. Why isn't he cursed? Suddenly, I remembered what my mom told me a few years ago:


"Y/n! Wait! I stop!" I heard my mom's voice yell before I ran out of my old house. I didn't care. I kept running as fast as I could. She's probably just gonna taunt me. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my wrist. I turned around. My eyesight was blurry because I had so many tears streaming down my face.
"Oh, sweetie..." she cooed wiping the tears off my face. I couldn't help shaking. I was just so sad. She cupped my face in her tears and looked my at me with pity.
"Listen. Your father is going crazy. Before, he used to be one of the good vampires. But... Well, things happened and now he is going colder. Normally, he would never do this but he is. I would go with you, but I have to say and help your father stay sane. I'm so, so sorry this had to happen to you. I will regret it for the rest of my immortal life. I love you, y/n. Try and make friends with other vampires. You won't be able to curse them. Just.... be safe," she whispered pushing me into the portal to Aaa.

flashback over

I let a small tear trickle down my cheek. I hope Marshall didn't see it.. All I needed to remember was that one thing. And yet I had to remember the whole thing, mom and all. I took a deep breath getting ready to sing.
"...Put on a fake smile.
(A/N: You can skip the song if you want)

Me: Days come days go.
Marshall: Night falls, but goes by
Both: The present is now the past. Our mistakes have gone, but the memory remains
Me: The regret will never leave
Marshall: We see things that haunt us
Me: We feel things we'll never forget
Marshall: We wanna hide
Both: So we put on a fake smile

"I thought you said you didn't sing!" Marshall exclaimed.
"I can't. That was terrible," I lied. Actually, it was awesome. I never realised how fun it was to sing with someone... But, I'm not comfortable singing. If I get used to it, I might curse someone accidentally.
"What? No! It was gr-" Marshall caught himself.
"I mean, like... it was ok..." he trailed off. I raised an eyebrow.
"Are you afraid of praising people?"
"Pfft. No..." he trailed off.
"Dude. It's OBVIOUS. You're so full of yourself..." I trailed off.
"Hmph. So, told you I'd be back to annoy you. You have good music taste by the way. I was snooping through your CD's. The one we just sang, fake smile? I love that song. It explains me so much..." he whispered. Did I really just hear that?
"Huh?" I asked.
"Nothing!" he said too quickly. "I'm gonna take your strawberries," he said walking to the kitchen. I smirked.

"He's... cute," I muttered. Wait, what??!

Fake Smile {Marshall Lee x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now