Fionna,Cake And A Not So Happy Gumball

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Your POV

"God yes," I whispered. He suddenly became visible. Picking me up bridal style, he silently lifted me off the ground and we flew away without Prince Gumwad seeing.

"Be glad I found you, huh?" Marshall asked me when setting me down in the middle of a shady forest where we wouldn't get burned. I smiled at him in relief.
"Hell yes. Gumball is friggin' annoying! He won't stop talking, smiling, and he's always acting like a smart-ass! I swear to god, he's never cracked a joke!" I complained all at once.
"Oh my god! Someone finally understands how I feel! I'm friends with a human who has a crush on him. I mean, what does she see in that idiot?" Marshall replied.
"No idea. Don't ask me, I certainly don't see anything in the guy," I said.
"You wanna meet my human friend? I think you'd actually really like her other than the fact that she has horrible taste in dudes," Marshall said randomly. I looked at him dumbfounded. Two new people in one day? Is that really a good idea for someone like me?
"I know what you're thinking," Marshall said snapping me out of my thoughts. What? How does he know that? "Us vampires are supposed to eat humans." oh, good. Not what I was thinking at all.
"Uh, yeah. Why are you friends with her?" I asked.
"She's fun to prank. Not bad with instruments either," he replied. "So, you wanna meet her?" I hesitated. I guess it doesn't hurt if she doesn't know who I am... But what if she's heard rumors? Maybe not since it's been so many years and the prince of the candy kingdom didn't know. The annoying prince of the candy kingdom..
"Sure, I guess," I said before my brain could think of any reason to say no.
"Then let's go," Marshall said picking me up bridal style- again. I found myself blushing this time knowing it was bridal style. Luckily, Marshall didn't seem to notice.

--time skip--

Marshall raised his hand to the human girl's tree house door, about to knock. He stopped mid-way and turned to look at me. I raised an eyebrow at him. He cleared his throat.
"I uh, thought you should know she has a cat too. That talks. That't the most annoying part," he said the last part really quietly, thinking I couldn't hear. I smirked.
"Heard that. And, ok. Good to know,"

He rolled his eyes and knocked on the door. A girl dressed in all blue answered the door. She had a bunny hat with a piece of her blonde bangs sticking out. She immediately smirked at Marshall.
"Here for another punch vampire king?"
"Shut up or I'll suck out your soul and feed it to my mother for dinner. Your guts and belongings will rot and I'll write an evil song about it and then present it to the un-dead," Marshall threatened emotionless. She stared at him dumbfounded. He laughed and floated past her, holding onto my hand as he did.
"Marshall Lee! Don't you threaten my poor Fionna like that!" a cat said angrily. Her face softened when she saw me.
"Are you the poor girl that Marshall has been following lately?" she asked
"He told you about me?" I asked, surprised. I glance at Marshall. His cheeks showed a light tint of pink. The girl with the bunny hat walked next to me.
"Yeah. He came by yesterday and said he was gonna invite you to his house 'cuz you were the coolest vampire he ever met. And then I punched him and now he's pissed," I turned to Marshall. He was glaring at Fionna. (A/N: I feel like I need to clarify that. Before the accidental jam session Marshall went to Fionna's and talked about you. I felt like that was confusing so.. yeah clarified.)
"Sweet babies! We haven't introduced ourselves! I'm Cake and this is Fionna," the cat- Cake said. Did she say 'sweet babies?'
"Oh. Well, I'm Y/n," I said, hiding my confusion.

Before anyone could reply, the door burst open. I turned around to see red-faced Prince Gumball.
"Fionna! Marshall just did the most terrible thing to me! You see-" he stopped mid-sentence when he realized Marshall and I were here.
"You little...." Gumball muttered angrily taking a few steps toward Marshall. With every one of his steps, Marshall took one back. Gumball raised his fist and-

A/N: Oh uh o.o what is he going to do ?!! D: Find out on the next page!

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