2 - Declaration of War

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"What should we call our business?" Tommy asked Wilbur, who was currently cleaning up the hot dog van.

"I don't know..." Wilbur spoke, stopping his work and turning to Tommy with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"You know... there are only men in our business, eh?" Tommy began slowly. "So we could call it Manberg, or Mantopia or something."

Wilbur stifled a laugh and went along with Tommy's idea. "Yeah. I like Mantopia. That has a nice ring to it." He stood for a moment, lost in thought, the spoke again. "Manberg is too American. We should add an L before it, like this." Wilbur typed into chat "L'Manberg."

Tommy raised his eyebrows. "Okay. L'Manberg, huh?"

"Yes! L'Manberg strong!" Wilbur cheered. Tommy laughed slightly.

"Yeah!" Tubbo's voice surprised Wilbur. The oldest boy jumped up and turned around.

"How is it that you keep popping up out of no where?" Wilbur asked, chuckling at his fright.

"I don't know." Tubbo shrugged nonchalantly. "What are you really doing in that hot dog van?" Tubbo looked up at Wilbur.

"We're brewing drugs." Wilbur leaned down and whispered in Tubbo's ear.

"Oh. Then why didn't you say so when Sapnap asked?" Tubbo asked, completely unfazed. "Wait... Brewing drugs?"

"Well — Tubbo, we can't just say we're brewing drugs!" Tommy spoke, exasperated but with a hint of amusement.

"Okay. Sure. Can I join?" Tubbo asked uncertainly.

"Sure! Strength in numbers." Wilbur smiled at Tubbo.

"Great! So what do I do then?" Tubbo chirped immediately.

"Uh... We need to get all the blaze rods on the server into our hot dog van." Wilbur scratched his head. "Sounds like a job for you. Also," he added. "We should get ourselves a uniform or something."

"I don't know. There's got to be someone who can design us all a uniform." Tommy answered for Tubbo.

"Yeah. Oh, and Tubbo?" Wilbur spoke.


"Don't invite any Americans into L'Manberg." The word felt slightly strange on Wilbur's tongue, but he liked it. "We're all British — I mean, European. Fundy's in it too."

Tubbo nodded. "Sure."

"One last thing. There's a certain rule of L'Manberg..." Before Wilbur could continue, Tubbo stripped off all his armor. Wilbur raised his eyebrows, impressed.

"Well, look at you! You already knew!"

"Yes! I did." Tubbo confirmed. "I'll go get blaze rods now, I guess."



He could tell that they were planning something. Wilbur, Tommy, Tubbo, Fundy, and Eret, that was. Those five were always hanging in that — what did they call it, a hot dog van? Dream was beginning to grow suspicious, even though they hadn't let anything major slip yet. He also had heard the word "L'Manberg" being thrown around, whatever that meant.

"L'Manberg." Dream played with the word. "Idiots." He muttered, turning back to the task at hand. He was currently gathering some wood for a project he was working on — to be more specific, his secret base. He really needed his own base, since his old home had been repurposed as the community house. Dream was planning on a small little underground bunker style base, with a secret entrance that you had to crawl through.

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