3 - "We've got a war on our hands"

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  "Well." Tubbo spoke. "I guess we've got a war on our hands."

  "Tubbo, how can you —?" Tommy broke off, facepalming. "Yeah. We've got war on our hands."

  Wilbur, however, had been silent throughout the exchange. Instead, he was sitting down, head buried in his folded arms, resting his arms on his knees, and thinking.

  Wilbur looked up. "Tubbo?" He cut in.


  "Forget the blaze rods. We've got war. Would you be willing to help out?"

  "Yeah!" Tubbo cried enthusiastically. "Sounds great!"

  "And I can help." Eret chimed in.

  "Sure." Tubbo turned to Eret, smiling.

  "And Tommy?" Wilbur continued.

  "Yes?" Tommy turned to Wilbur, wide eyed.

  "Would you like to be my right hand man?" Wilbur offered. Tommy fell silent, watching Wilbur.

  "Really?" Tommy finally stammered out. Wilbur nodded in response.

  "Yes I would!" Tommy beamed, accenting every word with an air of pride.

  Wilbur smiled and patted Tommy's hair. "And you, Fundy?"

  Fundy turned his gaze to Wilbur. "Yeah?"

  Wilbur was spent for a moment. "Just be my little furry, okay?"

  Fundy gave Wilbur a glare, but didn't say anything.

  Wilbur turned back to Tubbo and Eret. "You know what to do." He nodded to the pair, and Tubbo and Eret set off, Tubbo speaking very fast and excitedly.

  "So I can get more villagers, and we can trade for books and armor and stuff, you know?" Tubbo started started rambling incoherently, Eret listening patiently, although a smile was twitching at the corner of his mouth.

  They stepped into the portal to the nether, and Tubbo placed a boat down, getting in the front and waiting for Eret to get in behind him. As soon as Eret climbed in, Tubbo set off, propelling the boat across the ice. As soon as they came to the end of the long line of ice, Tubbo jumped out, followed closely by Eret. They stepped into the nether portal again, emerging into the jungle of Tubbo's base.

  "I can go get some villagers. We'll need some extra resources, like wood and stuff, just in case. Can you get them?" Tubbo asked.

  "Sure." Eret nodded, and set off. Tubbo peered inside his chest and extracted a minecart and plenty of rails, along with a fair stock of food. He set off, searching for a village. He walked through the plains biome, mindlessly walking through the tall grass. After what felt like an hour of aimless walking, he finally noticed a village in the distance. Tubbo set to work immediately, laying the tracks down all the way back to his base. On the way back, he came across Eret, who was walking in the opposite direction of the base. Eret jumped when he saw Tubbo, but Tubbo didn't pay the strange reaction any mind, merely waving in Eret's direction and finishing the railway back to the base. Once he finished the tracks, he hopped in a minecart himself and rode all the way back to the village. Tubbo coaxed a villager into the minecart, giving it a push and sending it away. For a moment, he sat down in the empty villager house, panting from the effort, but was up quickly.

  Tubbo transported around twenty villagers back to his base before the sun started to set. He glanced up at the sky, then sent off the last villager, stepping into a minecart and transporting himself after the villager. As the sky grew darker, he ushered and nudged the villagers into a small breeding room and puzzled about with red stone for a few minutes, before establishing a simple feeding system. After working well into the night, Tubbo looked up, suddenly realizing the absence of Eret.

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