7 - The war begins

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  Tubbo sat down, tired. The war was due to start any minute, and here he was, still grinding. He had barely gotten a few stacks of emeralds after a full morning of grinding. Tubbo cursed at whoever had stolen the emeralds under his breath, and stood up again, walking towards the villagers.

  That's when he heard the snap of branches. And he knew that the Dream SMP were here to sabotage him again. But since Tubbo had gotten plenty of time to plan and strategize, he was ready. Tubbo quickly traded for a few sets of diamond armor and a few other tools, and sprinted to his ender chest. In the corner of his eye, he could see an arrow whiz behind him.

  He threw the items into the ender chest, and turned to the other chests, to grab potions of harming. Tubbo had thought this out quite thoroughly — once they came to attack, he would quickly trade for all the items and tools necessary, and throw them in the ender chests. If he had extra time, he would grab a few potions of harming as well.

  However, Tubbo hadn't planned for them to arrive this soon. So he would be using the potions of harming on the members of Dream SMP who had come to attack him this time. He charged out with a war cry, and tossed the potions at their feet, and broke his bed, so he would respawn back at the main section of Dream SMP. Dream did exactly what Tubbo wanted him to do — slayed Tubbo with one swipe of his netherite sword, and let him respawn back at spawn.

  "Yes!" Tubbo cried, watching as the spawn loaded back around him.

  "I've beaten you, Dream! I've outsmarted you, Dream!" Tubbo yelled mockingly, then set out back towards Tommy's house. He needed to alert Tommy, and now.


  Who knew where Tubbo was. Grinding his emeralds back at his base, Tommy supposed. What he was not expecting was Tubbo to suddenly be right outside L'Manberg, yelling "the war has begun!". Tommy stopped Tubbo, securing Tubbo into place with his hands on Tubbo's shoulders, and quieted his "war" cries down long enough to extract an explanation.

  "The members of Dream SMP are stuck at my base! All of them!" Tubbo yelled gleefully. "We need to trap the portal!"

  Tommy stared at Tubbo for a moment, stunned. "You what? What?" But Tubbo was already tearing away towards Tommy's house.

  "Wait wait where are you going? The portal is that way." Tommy called.

  "I have to get some stuff out of my ender chest!" Tubbo shouted back, and vanished over the hill. Tommy stood stock still, surprised. In fact, when Tubbo came back over the hill, Tommy was still there, in the same position.

  "I've got an end crystal!" Tubbo shouted. "We have to trap the portal!"

  Tommy unfroze and followed Tubbo at a sprint, catching up just as they arrived at the Power Tower.

  Tubbo placed the end crystal on the obsidian, and build up a small barrier around himself. Tommy skidded to a halt right behind Tubbo.

  "What — what are you doing?" Tommy panted, slightly winded.

  "When they come through the portal, we can blow the end crystal up!" Tubbo answered, dancing around, clearly pumped with adrenaline.

  Tommy blinked. "I- okay. Do I need to build obsidian things to protect us or something?"

  "No no, just one block tall around you, then you'll be fine." Tubbo answered, focused on the portal. After a few minutes of tense silence, nothing.

  Until Dream, George, Sapnap, and Punz jumped them from behind. Tommy widened his eyes and jumped of the tower, MLG watered, and shouted instructions to Tubbo. "To L'Manberg!" He yelled to Tubbo. "To the hot dog van!" Tubbo understood immediately, swerving to the right and sprinting in the direction of L'Manberg. Tommy followed close behind, and right before he reached the edge of the cliff that loomed over L'Manberg, he turned around a shot wildly at Dream, and surprisingly hit. Dream growled and followed, not breaking stride at the wound. Tommy shot another shot and hit Sapnap, and fled into the walls of L'Manberg, crashing directly into Wilbur.

Dream SMP WarWhere stories live. Discover now