6 - Under the cover of darkness

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It was dark. The jungle trees were swaying ominously in the breeze, towering above Sapnap. The moon was full, casting pockets of light down through the leaves. Sapnap held his breath. The dark was very thick, but Sapnap could make out just enough so he didn't crash into the nearest tree. Eret had told them where Tubbo's base was, and Tubbo had a lot of loot that might be a threat, so Sapnap had volunteered to go steal them. Initially, all of them were going to go, just in case, but Sapnap waved them off, pointing out that a solo mission was less likely to be found.

He emerged into a clearing. The moonlight streamed onto the ground, illuminating the surroundings. Sapnap sat down on a nearby rock, resting. It was now nearly midnight, so Tubbo would've gone to sleep. Eret said a little north of the clearing...?

Sapnap glanced down at his compass. He was still heading in the right direction. Just a few more minutes then. Unless Eret had lied. It was still highly likely that Eret was acting as a double agent for L'Manberg's side, but Dream said to trust Eret. Well, what could he do. Sapnap, lost in his own thoughts, accidentally stepped on a branch. It cracked loudly, and Sapnap cursed under his breath, standing still until the night sounds resumed. He proceeded in the direction that Tubbo's base supposedly was. He vanished back into the dark forest. After a few more minutes, Sapnap suddenly spotted a light. Not natural moonlight or starlight, but what seemed to be a lantern. Sapnap stood up straight. That must be Tubbo's base. He cracked an evil smile, and started stalking towards his base, extra careful now. He stopped just on the edge of the forest, watching for Tubbo. After a few moments, Tubbo emerged, fiddling with the door, then closed it, vanishing back into his base.

Sapnap smirked. So this was Tubbo's base. He listened until Tubbo seemed to stop moving around within his base, and then started to tiptoe towards the base, extra careful now. He laid a hand on the door, straining his ears for any movement.


He pushed it open. Sapnap emerged into a dark hall, lined with... were those villagers? Sapnap looked at their trades, and gasped.

"A stack of emeralds for a set of diamond armor!" He muttered under his breath. Sapnap straightened up and scanned the room for any other goods. There was a chest standing in the far corner. He looked around. Tubbo must be sleeping in another room. Suddenly, he heard a small shriek from a room. Sapnap froze, listening for more sounds.

Nothing. Again.

He tiptoed towards the chest, slightly unnerved. And what he found when he opened it made him gasp again.

Nine stacks of emeralds. Glittering and sparkling in the dim light that filtered in through the door. Sapnap smirked.

"Mine now." He muttered under his breath, and transferred them to his ender chest. He made one last look around of the house, and after finding nothing interesting, started towards the door.

Another shriek from the opposite door. This time, the voice was clearly Tubbo's. For a second, he felt a spark of pity.

What's happening to Tubbo?

Tubbo was really hard to hate. And the fact that he was on the opposing side of the war pained him a little. But Sapnap shook his head slightly at himself, and slipped out the room, leaving the door slightly ajar.


When Tubbo woke up again, the sun was streaming through the windows. His blankets somehow ended up on the floor again, but Tubbo didn't have another dream. Or at least, he didn't remember it. He stretched, sitting up and cracking his back. He could hear sounds from outside, but didn't pay it much attention, slipping on his signature green shirt and a pair of comfortable trousers. Tubbo yawned, then pushed open the door. The scene he was greeted with was not a good one to wake up to.

Eret had probably been tearing the place up. Looking for... what?

"Eret, what are you doing?" Tubbo rubbed his eyes, watching the other Brit dash from place to place, searching and scanning every corner. When Eret straightened up and turned to Tubbo, his eyes were round.

"The emeralds." Eret spoke. "They're gone!" Tubbo blinked, trying to absorb the information.

"The emeralds... are gone?" He repeated slowly.

"Yes! I've been searching for twenty minutes! Nothing! When I woke up, the front door was open. I thought it was the wind or something at first, but I remembered that you locked it last night. Didn't you?"

Tubbo frowned, struggling to remember. The morning haze of brain fog was not helping. "I... closed the door." He finally said.

"Oh Tubbo! You should've locked it! Then S- nobody could get in! Now all your emeralds have been stolen!" Eret cried, throwing his hand up in the air. Tubbo was too tired to realize what Eret had said. What he was realizing, was the truth of it all. His nine stacks of emeralds. What he'd grinded all day yesterday for. Gone.

The truth set in like a stack of bricks. "Oh no!" He exclaimed, looking around frantically. "You've looked everywhere?" Tubbo asked Eret.

"Yes!" Eret said, running his hands through his hair, frustrated.

"Well." Tubbo started. "I guess we're just gonna have to get more, then."

Eret stopped and stared at Tubbo, face half exasperation and half... amazement?

"How can you be so calm, Tubbo?" Eret asked. "How can you be so calm after nine stacks of emeralds have been stolen from you?"

"I mean, the best we can do now is to get them back. You're just wasting time if you're sitting there panicking, you know." He pointed out reasonably.

Eret opened his mouth, then shut up. "Okay." He finally said. "Okay. You do you." He held his hands up as if in surrender. "You do you." He repeated.

Tubbo shrugged, then turned away, heading to the bathroom to wash up for the morning. He splashed water over his face, rubbing the morning fog away. He yawned again. Time for more grinding.

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