9 - Surrender?

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Silence. Echoing, static, silence. Shocked gazes. Tommy was leaning against the wall of the hot dog van, breath caught in his throat. Finally, Wilbur spoke.

"A traitor." Wilbur's voice was horrified, shocked, hurt. "A traitor." He repeated, voice stronger, as though the gears were still slowly turning in his head, putting the parts together.

Tommy finally stood up straight, looking around, still too shocked to speak.

"Eret how could you? I fought with you—"

Tommy suddenly felt a surge of anger, and he balled his hands into fists. "Listen to me, and I mean this in the nicest way possible.

"You fucked up."

Fundy ran a hand through his hair, half panicked. "We were doing so well!"

"We were winning!" Wilbur gritted his teeth, furrowing his brow. "We were defeating them." He buried his face in his hands, sinking into a place of despair.

"He's a monster." Tommy stated plainly, eyes narrowed in anger. "He's a monster."

"He knows our plans. He knows our strats. And he's going to share it with them. Oh my god." Wilbur took a deep breath and lifted his head again.

"Do we have anything that can possibly help? Anything we can fight with? Tommy?"

In response, Tommy tore across L'Manberg to his ender chest. "I think I have some stuff here!" Tommy shouted back.

"Tubbo? Weapons, armor?" Wilbur turned to Tubbo.

"I have nothing." Tubbo shrugged, spreading his arms.


"I have a crayon suit, what the fuck are you asking from me?"

"I-" Wilbur shook his head, although he couldn't prevent the laugh from escaping his lips. Wilbur looked around wildly, and came up with an idea out of the blue.

"I want to convene with- with the general. Drea-"

"You scumbag, I bet one of your parents is American, you make me sick." Tommy was face to face with Eret, the members of Dream SMP watching from a few paces behind.

Tommy's face was red with anger, spit flying, teeth bared. Eret wore a look of cool indifference, leaning casually on his left foot. Wilbur narrowed his eyes at Eret, but shook his head, remembering his own task.

"Dream, I wish to meet somewhere privately." Wilbur looked Dream in the eyes. Dream's expression was almost indiscernible through his netherite helmet, but Wilbur swore it almost looked bored. Dream nodded and turned around, leading Wilbur somewhere else. They arrived at the scene of the blown up embassy. Dust still choked the air, and Wilbur waved it away, coughing slightly.

"I'm alone. I'm unarmed. I'm literally unarmed, I have nothing to my name." Wilbur chuckled slightly hysterically.

"I'm alone, but I'm very armed." Dream spoke, tapping his foot almost impatiently.

"Look, Dream. I can't believe you would go so low to put up our own men against us. You had a spy on the inside this whole time." Wilbur began.

Dream smirked and laughed. "All is fair in war."

"And love." Wilbur added. Dream nodded.

"That's very true." He spoke simply.

Wilbur took a deep breath, beginning again. "Dream, your men essentially did great wrongs against my people. You, know, I let it go, I let it slide on the condition that we would have emancipation from you. We'd have our freedom and we wouldn't have to reach a point of, uh," Wilbur cleared his throat, "disagreement.

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