11 - L'Manberg forever

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"No! Tommy!" Tubbo rushed forwards, while Wilbur and Fundy watched on, shocked to the core. Tubbo dropped to his knees, eyes wide. "Oh no."

Dream slowly broke into a smile. "It has been settled. Victory! Tommy, I'm expecting Mellohi. When it is, I will order my men to cease fire."

Tommy was silent.

"Wait no no no. Dream, can I speak to you privately?" Tommy was running back from spawn, evidently disheveled, but with the light of the revolution in his eyes. Even through defeat, Tommy carried the energy of this revolution with him.

Dream dipped his head, following Tommy, who was leading Dream down the path. Tubbo watched helplessly, then finally turned back to Wilbur, who was beckoning to Tubbo to head back to L'Manberg.


"Dream, I want to make a deal with you." Tommy began. Dream watched on.

"I'll do this for L'Manberg." Tommy took a deep breath, staring down at the floor. Finally, he looked up, meeting Dream's eyes.

"I'll give you both of the discs, if you let us have our independence."

Dream's eyes widened, surprised. "Wait... cat and mellohi?"

Tommy nodded, biting his lip.

Dream considered it for a moment. "That's very selfless of you, after all, those are your discs." He commented.

Tommy felt a little flustered to be complimented by the head of the other side. "For L'Manberg, you know. For Wilbur. For Tubbo." He shrugged it off like it was no big deal.

Dream was silent. Then, he spoke.

"I will grant you independence." He began. "We won't fight you. Unless we have a good reason to. We will not go onto your grounds, unless we have a reason to, again. We will respect you."

"Yes, just independence." Tommy cut in, almost impatient. He and Dream began walking towards the remains of Tommy's base.

"My discs are in my ender chest." Tommy stopped before the dark blue green chest, with shimmering purple particles around it. Tommy opened it, and reached inside for the discs. He turned back to Dream.

For L'Manberg.

For L'Manberg.

He dropped the discs. Dream looked at Tommy, ignoring the discs momentarily. He stepped forwards and shook Tommy's hand. This time, not a squeeze of pity, but with a glint in his eye.

Of pride? Of respect? Who knew. But all Tommy knew was that he had just gotten freedom for L'Manberg.


Tommy was approaching from the distance with an unreadable expression. Wilbur broke off his conversation with Fundy, and turned to Tommy.

"What was your negotiation? What was your deal?" He asked, scanning Tommy's face for any clues.

Tommy had a half smile on his face, but it was also bittersweet.

"I've secured our independence, Will." Tommy spoke.

Wilbur stood, dumbfounded. When he finally regained his voice, he stuttered. "You- what- how?"

Tubbo stared. "How?"

Tommy lowered his head, looking at the ground. "I gave him the discs, Will. I gave him the discs."

"You gave him the discs, Tommy?" Eret asked, surprised.

"Oh you shut up Eret. Of course I gave him the discs!" Tommy spat, but Wilbur wasn't paying attention to Eret.

"My right hand man TommyInnit!" Wilbur roared, pounding Tommy on the back. "What the- you- you gave him the discs?" Wilbur shook his head. "You get over here! We need a new declaration of independence. We need a book and quill. Leather, paper, an ink sac."

Tommy smiled, a proud expression on both Wilbur and his face.

Tubbo was slowly scanning the remains.

"We've lost so much." He whispered. Wilbur patted Tubbo on the back.

"We'll build it better. We can terraform. We can build it even better than it was before." Wilbur assured him.

The four members of L'Manberg stood in silence, gazing upon the remains of the nation they called their home.

"You've got to declare freedom, Wilbur." Tommy finally said, holding out the book and quill. Wilbur's gaze slowly traveled down to the items Tommy was holding out. He took them.

Wilbur cleared his throat. "Well. I've done this before, haven't I?" He shook out his writing hand, flopping down onto a nearby rock, and flipped the book open, eyes trailing down the empty, white, pages.

"The Decree of Independance." Wilbur began. "As we gaze upon the swaths of redwood trees. The great hills to our south, and the walls that have protected us for years. I, as the now President of L'manberg, hereby state:"

Wilbur took a deep breath.



The three other members of L'Manberg burst into laughter, but Wilbur remained stone faced, as though what he had just said was innocent as a newborn child.

"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of freedom." Wilbur finished, writing the period swiftly, the ink soaking into the page. Wilbur smiled with satisfaction.

I intend for that ink to last forever.

He stood up again. "Tommy, I want you to sign this. And Tubbo and Fundy." Once they had all signed, Wilbur took the book back.

"Done. It is done. We have independence."

"L'Manberg forever."

A/N: And that's it! I'm probably going to start a book about the presidential election soon! I write a lot of Dream Team related content, so follow if you like them! See you around :)

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