8 - "Down with the revolution, boys. It was never meant to be."

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Fundy stumbled through the spruce forest, pushing past branches and stepping through bushes.

"Those bastards." He cursed under his breath. Fundy hadn't set down a bed, so now, he was back at spawn. If he hadn't lost his sense of direction, he should be heading in the way of the Dream SMP. Fundy pushed through another bush, and emerged into a clearing. He glanced down at the ground, the tracks of people who've been here before stark and plainly evident. Fundy stood for a moment, glancing around the clearing. Nothing.

He pushed through the bushes on the other side of the clearing, continuing in his trek back to Dream SMP. The sounds of war faintly reached his ears — a little louder than before, which was a good thing. It meant he was getting closer. Fundy pushed through the branches, and finally emerged onto the wooden path. In the distance, he could just barely spot the flaming arrows flying down from power tower. He jogged down the wooden path and maneuvered around the power tower to his stuff, which had gone flying everywhere. The first thing he picked up was his invisibility potion, which gave him a brilliant idea.


It was chaos. The arrows raining down, his men dancing around just around the doorframe of Tommy's base, dodging the flaming arrows.

"Who has a bow?" Wilbur shouted above the fray, trying to bring some order to the mess. For a moment, he thought he saw a bright red-orange tail flash around the corner.

Fundy's here.

"I've got a bow! I've got a bow!" Tommy shrieked, extracting the bow from his cluttered chest.

"Good! Everyone feed arrows to Tommy! Everyone feed arrows to Tommy." Wilbur answered, voice strained, coughing from the smoke that the flaming arrows were giving off.

Tommy paused for a moment, aiming up the tower. He shot up an arrow, which was easily dodged by Dream. Tommy shot up another arrow. More flaming arrows shot down, and Tommy was forced to move and compromise his aim to avoid getting shot in the leg.

"To the sewers! To the sewers!" Tommy yelled, panicking.

"No! Men, you come back here right now. We haven't even begun." Wilbur shouted after the fleeing members of L'Manberg. Tommy paused, then slowly, almost dragging his feet, returned back to Wilbur's side.

"Look, they're retreating!" Tubbo pointed. Wilbur spun around. Dream had turned around and was running down the hill, followed closely by Sapnap, George, and Punz. "It looks like they're heading to Punz's tower!"

"Then let's go to Ponk's tower! It's the same height." Tommy pointed in the opposite direction, gesturing to the tall tower.

Wilbur laughed, a crazed laugh. "Yes. Let's head to the tower!" He set off, sprinting in the direction of Ponk's tower. Eret arrived there first, brows furrowed. Tommy and Tubbo climbed up the tower quickly, building a small wall to defend from the arrows being shot at them. Dream SMP hadn't reached Punz's tower just yet, and they were hiding among the bamboo, weaving in and out, shooting arrows up the tower.

"Haha! They can't shoot us up here!" Tommy laughed, just as crazed as Wilbur. Tubbo laughed as well.

"Rain arrows down on them! They can only shoot at me!" Wilbur shouted back. He started dodging back and forth, avoiding the hail of arrows that were once more aimed at him.

Tubbo and Tommy obeyed, aiming carefully. After a few shots, Dream seemed to shout something at his men, and they backed away, vanishing among the buildings and trees of Dream SMP.

"They've retreated!" Wilbur cheered. "Great job men!"

"Yes!" Tommy punched the air. "Here, have a victory carrot." He tossed Tubbo a carrot, who cheered as well.

"I- yes." Wilbur facepalmed, still smiling.

"Men! We must head back to L'Manberg!" Eret interjected.

Wilbur nodded. Eret turned around and beckoned the three men, only to be stopped by the sound of Fundy's voice. "Hello!"

Wilbur spun around, searching for the source. A floating chest plate and helmet presented themselves. Wilbur blinked.

"Wilbur!" The voice came again. Fundy laughed. "Watch this!"

The chest plate and helmet disappeared, and after a moment, a pair of diamond leggings appeared.

Wilbur raised his eyebrows, a laugh tickling his throat. Finally, he burst out laughing.

"Who -?" Wilbur slapped the ground, rolling around, laughing. Fundy crouched.

Tommy and Tubbo rounded the corner, swords raised, ready for conflict, but was instead confronted with a pair of floating diamond leggings crouching.

"Men, we must head back to L'Manberg!" Eret finally choked out.

Tubbo, Tommy, and Wilbur stood up, still clutching their stomachs, stumbling after Eret.

"In L'Manberg, I have grinded... for a weapon." Eret began, leading the way back to their nation.

"This is the point where Eret just pulls out a missile." Fundy's voice came from the diamond leggings, who were following Eret, in perfect step with Wilbur.

Eret chuckled warmly. Wilbur laughed.

"Yeah, have you been making guns, Eret?" He joked.

Eret shook his head. "No, I have not. You'll see." Eret broke a hole in the wall of L'Manberg, waiting on the other side for everyone to get through. He quickly patched it up, and lead them to the foot of a hill.

"I'll show you, now. Follow me." Eret dug a hole in the hill, and the earth fell away to reveal a long tunnel. Gasps came from the members of L'Manberg.

"Whaaattt?" Tubbo gaped. "How did we not know this was here?"

"Follow me." Eret simply answered. "Crouch. Don't let them know we're here."

The members of L'Manberg all crouched, crawling through the narrow tunnel. Eret was in the front, so no one could see what was at the end of the tunnel. He finally arrived to a large room.

"Final control room." Wilbur read slowly from the sign.

"What does this button do?" An oak wooden button, sitting starkly in the middle of the dark room.

Tommy stepped forwards.

Wilbur opened the chest. Empty.

"The chests are empty." The gears ran slowly in Wilbur's mind. Piecing together the parts.

A flash of green in the corner of Wilbur's mind. In slow motion, he turned around.

A looming, evil smile. White rimmed clout goggles. A shining, dark purple blade.

"Down with the revolution boys. It was never meant to be."

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