10 - For L'Manberg?

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Tommy trudged, almost resentfully after Wilbur.

Surrender? Surrender? This is L'Manberg, we cannot surrender!

Yet he bit his lip, and silently walked, feet dragging, steps slow. Wilbur turned around, and met Tommy's gaze, and gave a wordless look.

I know.

Wilbur swallowed. "It's been an honor fighting alongside you. You did well, Tommy."

Tommy raised his chin defiantly upon spotting Dream in the distance. The pair approached Dream, with the rest of L'Manberg trailing behind silently.

"Dream? We're ready to negotiate surrender." Wilbur spoke quietly. A shock of anger ran through Tommy's body at the words, but he controlled himself.

Deep breaths.

"I'd say we fought well." Wilbur began.

"You can say that." Dream interjected.

"I- what do you mean, you can say that?" Wilbur replied indignantly.

"Well, considering how much you were up against, yeah, you fought well."

"Don't say that to us, we fought incredibly well." Tommy stepped forwards, sticking his face in Dream's. Still, the blonde did not react, except for a slight, unreadable change in expression.

A pot of rage boiling over, a burning anger in the pit of his stomach.

"Oh, you egotistical green bastard." Tommy gritted his teeth, staring down Dream. "Dream, you know what, why don't we fight right now, why don't we have a one versus one, why don't we have a bow duel, why don't we have a half heart bow duel, oh you son of a bitch."

"Tommy, calm! Tommy! Tommy-" Wilbur laid a hand on Tommy's shoulder, but Tommy threw it out, sticking a finger in Dream's face, spit flying from his mouth.

"You egotistical son of a bitch, you bastard-" Tommy paused. He took a breath, eyes closed, still shaking with anger, and then exhaled, opening his eyes again.

"You've blown up all of our shit, so what do you have to lose? Come on, Dream. Let's do a one versus one, I don't care. In front of everyone, okay?" Tommy gritted his teeth to not leak anything else, already cursing at his stupidity.

Wilbur sighed. "What was the one thing I asked, Tommy? What was the one thing I-"

Dream watched the exchange impassively. Finally, he stepped forwards. "What's the details of the 1v1?"

Wilbur and Tommy's eyes widened, and he took a step back from Dream.

"Half a heart. Bow duel. Ten paces." Tommy took a deep breath, voice calmer and more collected. "A one versus one. For L'Manberg, alright?"

Wilbur regained his voice. "Tommy, this isn't worth it." He stepped back towards Tommy. "We need you alive. Don't do it."

Tommy turned to Wilbur, eyes almost desperate. Wilbur's hopelessness, his surrender, cast a shard of ice into his heart.

"Wilbur, look around us." He placed his hands on Wilbur's shoulders. "For L'Manberg?"

Wilbur pulled away from Tommy, and looked back at Dream. Finally, he dipped his head in defeat. "If this is something that you're willing to do, Dream, and something that Tommy is as well, I will... I will let it happen."

A slow smirk spread over Dream's face, an evil glint in his eyes. "If you win this duel, you will get independence." Wilbur's jaw dropped. "But if I win, if I win—" Dream put up his hand to stop Tommy from celebrating just yet. "I get Mellohi."

Tommy dropped his gaze to the floor.


For L'Manberg.


For L'Manberg.

Tommy took a deep breath. He knew what he had to do. "Deal." Wilbur turned his shocked gaze to Tommy.

Wilbur swallowed. "Poison up. Ten paces."

Tubbo stepped forwards, voice still shaking from shock. "I- I have a potion of poison." Tommy extended a hand, and Tubbo handed it over meekly, watching with round eyes.

Tommy turned around. "I need a bow. Can we borrow a bow?"

Fundy stepped forwards. "Listen, I'm not fully supporting your decision, but... Good luck." He reached into his inventory and pulled out a bow, handing it to Tommy.

Tommy closed his grasp over the cold and smooth wood, studying the taut bowstring, and counting up his arrows. His hands were sweaty and shaking, and he wiped them on his trousers, regaining a grip on Fundy's bow. He stood up straight.

"Let's do it on the wooden path. Come." Wilbur gestured over to the party, and lead them to a smooth part of the wooden path. The river on both sides, a level playing ground. "This is for independence, Tommy, don't screw this up."

"I know, Wilbur." Tommy responded, voice clenched and breathless. He bit his lip, then pulled Wilbur to the side, gesturing towards the others to continue without them.

"Wilbur, what happens if I miss, what happens if I miss?" Tommy's voice was shaking, and he ran his hands through his hair, frustrated.

Wilbur facepalmed. "I told you Tommy, this was your idea. Your fire and your passion were brilliant for the war, but now, not so much." Wilbur chuckled humorlessly. "You've really got yourself in a mess."

Tommy was silent for a moment, then gazed back at Wilbur, eyes wide and with a hint of sadness. "Do I shoot him Will, or do I aim for the skies?" Wilbur kneeled down and placed a hand on Tommy's shoulder, sighing. "I- I want you to do whatever your heart says."

Tommy looked away. Finally, he stood up straight, and started walking back, after the crowd, who were watching them from afar. Once within earshot, Tommy called out.

"Dream, let's do it on this flat path here." Dream stepped forwards, naked of any armor, and holding a simple bow with a stash of arrows.

"Men, please shake hands." Wilbur stood on the shore, well away from the scene of the fight. The moon was rising now, spilling a pool of light over the two. Tommy shook hands with Dream, and could almost swear that Dream squeezed his hand.

In a sign of peace? Reassurance? But his thoughts were interrupted when Dream backed away, eyes dark and unreadable again.

"I'll throw the poison over us." Tommy stood next to Dream, and looked up. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes, and threw it. The poison landed on the both of them. Tommy was down on half a heart.

He never felt so vulnerable. Dream looked Tommy in the eye, steadily.

"Alright, backs to each other. I will count ten paces, and on my word, this duel will commence."

Dream and Tommy pressed their backs against each other.

"One, two, three, four, five,"

Tommy's heart was thumping. Never before had this happened. Never before was he battling for his independence. Never before were the stakes so high.

"Six, seven, eight, nine, ten paces, fire!"

Tommy drew back his bow and aimed. First shot missed. He dodged Dream's second arrow.

Ba-dump, ba-dump.

Wilbur was holding his breath. Fundy was tense, standing beside Wilbur.

Tommy drew back his bow and fired again. Dream shot again, narrowly missing Tommy.

Ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump, ba-dump.

Tommy's sweaty fingers drew back the bowstring, an arrow loaded. The cold wood bent under his strength, and the arrow was pointed straight at Dream's eyes.

The smooth wood of the arrow, the feathers lightly brushing against his skin. Cold wind whispering in his ears. He narrowed his eyes, aiming carefully.

Until the arrow pierced his heart.

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