QnA Round

9 3 0

Here are your questions :

1) What is Jennifer's last name?

2) Where was Leah kept when she got into trouble?

3) How did Leah get suspended the first time?

4) Is Julie Kylee married?

5) How did Leah and Amelia meet?

6) What is Leah's nickname? (Hint : It was given by Amelia and Amelia used to call her that)

7) What is Amelia's mom's nationality?

8) Why did Amelia leave the city?

9) Was Leah suicidal?

10) How did Amelia follow Leah? (Hint : The vehicle)

That's all the questions, answer them in the comments, I'll be replying hearts to the comments with the right answer. Also, reply to each question separately, it'll be easy for me to reply then. The one who gets all the answers correct by the time I post the answers, will get a shoutout <3 Best of luck!


Oof I had a hard time coming us with these questions ;-; Pls don't mind me, it's currently 1 AM rn TT Anyways,
Thanks for reading,
*blows kisses*

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