QnA Answers

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Answers :

1) What is Jennifer's last name?

Ans : Thompson

2) Where was Leah kept when she got into trouble?

Ans : A dark room in the house.

3) How did Leah get suspended the first time?

Ans : Beating Jennifer

4) Is Julie Kylee married?

Ans : Yes

5) How did Leah and Amelia meet?

Ans : In a playground, when Leah was getting bullied Amelia saved her.

6) What is Leah's nickname? (Hint : It was given by Amelia and Amelia used to call her that)

Ans : Boo

7) What is Amelia's mom's nationality?

Ans : Indian

8) Why did Amelia leave the city?

Ans : Her mom had a spy mission in another city, so she left with Amelia.

9) Was Leah suicidal?

Ans : Yes

10) How did Amelia follow Leah? (Hint : The vehicle)

Ans : A bicycle.

Well nobody answer the last chapter so no Shout Out—


See, I've been giving hint from day one about the Amah ship..ha..haha..
*Flashback to chapter 3*
No shipping :< no just no they're just friends!
*End of flashback*
I s-said that? Haha..ha *runs away* And I'm so sorry about the late answers! I completely forgot this chapter existed *facepalm* Anyways,
Thanks for reading,
*blows kisses*

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