First Date

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"Ellie! There's a boy at the door!" I ran down the stairs, trying to minimize the time Tyler is left alone with my family. 


"Hey," He stuck a flower out in my general direction, "this is for you."

"Thanks," I took the flower, "this is nice."


"Yeah!" I grabbed a coat and we walked out of the door.

"So... how are you?" Tyler asked, not making eye contact.

"I'm good," Wow... this is awkward. "Are you excited for the arcade?"

"Yeah!" His fingers brushed mine and I looked over at him. He instantly looked away but I could tell he was blushing. 

"Sorry. I um... I get kinda nervous around pretty girls." He grinned. I laughed.

"Oh my God Ty." I punched his arm. "Let's get to the arcade, I'm getting cold."

The arcade itself was dimly lit beside the glow of the vintage machines. My eyes instantly landed upon an empty Pac Man machine and I ran over. I turned to Tyler.

"We have to play." My eyes were wide. He laughed.

"Okay, okay. But I have to let you know... I'm kind of a pro at Pac Man."

"As if! Whoever gets a lower score buys pizza?"

"You are so on."

A few hours later, we left the arcade. If I'm being honest, it doesn't really feel like I'm on a date, it just feels like I'm hanging out with a friend. Do I only think of Ty as a friend?  He's cute, don't get me wrong. But if I have to move again, I don't want to hurt him. I care about him too much. 

"Hey, what's up?" Ty looked at me over his slice of pizza. I sighed.

"I really like you." I blushed.

"I like you too!" He grinned, "Is something wrong?"

"You know I move a lot, and I don't wanna ruin our friendship and I just... I don't know." I looked down at my hands.

"Hey, no worries. I think we're gonna be friends no matter what. And if  you move, we'll keep in touch, okay?" He reached out his hand.

"Okay." I stood up and took his hand. "Ready to go?" He nodded.

We walked in silence for a bit, hand in hand.

"Do you think the guys will say anything?" I looked over at him, he shrugged. 

"Probably..." he laughed, "but I don't really mind." We slowed down as we approached my house. "I had a lot of fun E."

"I did too, T." He wrapped his arms around me, enveloping me in a hug. As we pulled apart, he started to lean in. My heart was racing. We kissed. I could feel my insides melt.  As we pulled apart, I blushed. "I'll text you later..."

"Bye E, see you later." He grinned and pushed up his glasses. I ran into my house and closed the door behind me. Wow...

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Apr 17, 2021 ⏰

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