Chapter 11

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Been suffering from severe writers block over this, but I'm back and in writing so yay! Not quite sure how this will go but okay.

Sirius had difficulty owning up to things. It's not his fault per say but he just never wants things to be his fault. He doesnt want to be the person responsible  for hurting someone.

But in this case he had to.

Remus had been under such severe emotional stress since he had last spoken to him. If you even glanced at him you could tell. He had red puffy eyes, messed up hair, old clothes, just looked a mess. And Sirius wanted to help him, but how could he when he was the one responsible?!

He didnt want to tell him what had happened. He didnt really want anyone to tell him all of the stuff he knew he deserved.

But he had to figure out a way to help him.
Regulus had been having a tough time. It wasnt Remus' fault at all but he has been obsessing over whether Remus was okay or not. His brother was so fucking reckless.

Luckily he had James really, and Lily. Lily helped a lot. She had been showing Remus some old Disney movies on a muggle telly. She had permission from the head master and had been able to figure out how to work it.

James had been there more for Regulus, really. Not that he wasnt there for Remus, he was, but he knew Remus was in good hands and Remus knew that too.

It was worth it really. Seeing Remus smile for the first time since it had happened.
Remus was holed up in his dorm when Sirius found him.

"What do you want?"

"To talk. Look, I know what I did was wrong and no one deserves it and I honestly feel terrible. But I know it's not even half of what you're feeling so I feel even worse for that. I'm so sorry I did that to you. And to everyone around you. You dont deserve what I did. I went and ruined everything and caused riots and I'm so so sorry. If I could just be your friend again, I would literally go up in the clouds and thank the gods myself or find Merlin and thank him from a grave. I'm just so so sorry and I know that cant take back what I did but can we please start afresh?"

"Padfoot, what you did was wrong, you know that. Thankyou for that apology, I guess. Just I cant have this happening whenever I'm with you. I cant have that. Its-well I'm too fragile I guess. Just I need to know this wont happen again if I'm your friend again, okay."

"Okay, anything, I just need to see you smile again. I need to see you okay. I'll do anything. It wont happen again, I fucking promise, okay. I'll do anything to make this better."

"Okay then, new slate. Just be careful okay. And you need to apologise to everyone else too. I know I've been  but difficult."

"Not difficult. You could never be. It's my fault, you had a right to be angry and sad and everything."

"Okay, pads. Just apologise."

"Okay, moons, I will."

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