[Pt.4] Exploring

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Izuku's POV

Izuku awoke to his mother clattering downstairs, after coming home in a drunken state as usual.
Izuku has Learnt that it was best to ignore his mother unless called on so that's what he did, until his mother came banging on his door screaming "Where's the money!!! Where is it! I know you had your part time job today!!! Hand it over brat!"  Izuku jumps out of bed and grabs half of the money from his part time, hoping she wouldn't notice just yet "it- it's here" he responded as he opened the door and passed the money over "selfish bastard" she said while taking the money from my hand, sadly it wasn't enough to save him from a beating.

Izuku fell to the floor as his mother slams her foot against his rib cage, a 'thud' sound coming with it he felt as the air was taken out of him, sat there and his mother moved upwards now aiming for his face "YOU'RE USELESS, IGNORANT BRAT!! UNLOVABLE DISGRACE!!!"
Izuku curled up trying to protect himself from her blows to his face, but he wasn't quick enough as she slammed her foot against his head, throwing it back on the wooden floor and knocking him out instantly.

-End of Flashback-

I woke up quickly, my breathing was fast as I remembered the nightmare and curled up into myself slightly, until I noticed the three handsome men snuggled up closely to me I jumped up in surprise, now standing next to the bed as I hoped I hadn't woke any of them up but sadly I looked back to see two heterochromatic eyes staring at me then turning to the sleeping boys beside him and gently shaking them awake.

Kiri, Kacchan and Sho sat there staring at me until sho asks "What's wrong Izu?" I blush at the nickname but say nothing, instead I turn back towards the closet seeking some sort of comfort and cover from the trios stare, only when I took a step towards the separate room I saw a muscular form blocking my way.

Kiri had climbed out of bed and was blocking me from my comfort and reached out to grab my arm, holding me in place as he says "Come on Kitten, stay with us for today" I flushed bright red and heard snickers from the bed in response, now Kacchan was behind me, his sculpted abs pressed against my back as he spoke lowly in my ear " Exactly Baby, do as your told."

I shiver, my fear now turning into pure arousal as I looked into Kiri's crimson eyes, Luckily then Sho spoke up breaking the silence.

"Babes, go easy on him. Come on let's get ready"
Fortunately the two boys listened to their boyfriend and walked towards their closet, coming back out which their change of clothes while Kacchan held an extra, he handed it to me "Get changed into these, you can use the bathroom shitty nerd." I nod taking the clothes from him and headed for the door that I assumed was the bathroom until I heard Kiri say "The other door, baby" I flushed from embarrassment and nodded again. I entered the bath room full of crystal white tiles and the smell of lemons and strawberries. I got changed quickly hoping they wouldn't hurt me for taking two long, I knew I was unlikely but I still couldn't be sure.

I was wearing a RedRiot shirt that smelt like Kiri and black ripped jeans and red converse, I also had a jumper what smelled like both Kacchan and Sho
so I was in pure bliss from their scent.

I walked out into the bedroom to see that everyone was dressed and talking to each other on the bed, when they see me they turn pink and whisper an audible "cute" making me turn a shade of red, they got up and led me though the door too the hallways which was previously locked and we went down the elevator to floor 2 where I see a kitchen which is surprisingly empty "sit down I'll cook breakfast" Kacchan calls out as he walks a head of us and toward the cooker. I'm still being cautious off them and keeping my distance, quickly looking around for an escape "Don't even think about it." Sho said not looking from his phone " I-I wasn't..." I said looking away.  Kacchan comes back with four plates of Katsudon, my eyes light up with happiness, 'I haven't had katsudon since I was a kid!' I was practically drooling when he set the plate down in front of me, I hear a choir of chuckles from around me which make me look up from my plate to see smirks plastered on everyone's faces, I go bright red and start eating my food, when everyone finishes Kiri says they will make Katsudon more often since I like it so I rely with a shy thank you.

We left the kitchen and into a room with a sign that says Common room, we walk in to see around 20 people including Kami, Sero and Mina, Everyone turns too us and Kacchan,Sho and Kiri walk in and speak "This is Izuku Midoriya, he's a new member to out gang, you know the shitty rules so don't any of you damn extras pester him ok" Mina rolls her eyes and walks up to me, " Hi I'm Mina we met in the halls yesterday!" " H-hi" soon enough I had met most of the gang already, then the frog looking girl and the bubbly one come over to greet me

"Hi I'm Tsuyu but you can call me Tsu" the frog girl said, "and I'm Uraraka! Nice to meet you!" The bubbly girl said, I noticed they were holding hands, "Hi, N-nice to meet y-you" we relaxed in the room for a bit until Kacchan and Sho stood up "Izu we have to do some work but Kiri will stay with you, well be back in about an hour ok." Sho said this as more of a statement and I said " A-alright.."

After they left Kiri was distracted with talking to Sero and Mina so he didn't really notice me stand up and walk over to the other side of the room, I was sat there alone until Kami came up to me and sat down.
" Hey little dude, Are you bored? I think Kiri is distracted so I don't think he'll notice if we sneak out, there's this cool river by the base that's awesome for this weather so do you want to come??"

When he finished explaining I was beyond excited, 'I had never had the chance to do something like that since I didn't have friends and my mother... well you know my mother' I thought "s-sure" I said, still feeling shy around the new people, Kami was one of the people I actually trust since coming here and I don't think he will harm me.

"Sure but we're coming too!" Someone said from behind us, we turned around to see a smiling Uraraka and Tsu, "Okay but we've got to keep it a secret" kami said with a childish finger over his lips, as if to emphasise the secret.

Soon I was being let out of the doors to the base and towards a forest to the side of the house, kami and Uraraka walked ahead cheerily while Tsu stayed beside me as if to watch over me, when we stopped I looked up from the forest floor to see a beautiful stream like river with calm waters and flowers littering the corners of the river. Everyone jumped in as the sun shone down on the vast clearing, leaving me to be pulled in when I stayed behind, the cook water was nice against the cruel sun and I enjoyed as everyone began splashing each other with water as we swam around fully-clothed.

After we walked, wet through, out of the water we sat in the fresh grass and made forest crowns filled with twigs, flowers, Moss and leaves, it was the best moment of my life and as we sat there listening to Kaminari's stories I decided to stay here as long as I could.

1387 words

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