[Pt.7] Bonding

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Tuesday - 1:32pm
Izuku's POV
"Baby, wake up.." I could feel myself being shaken awake by someone below me, and I was definitely not happy about it.. not like I was going to show it just in case I got a beating but it still annoyed me "yeah...." I grumbled tiredly, now wishing I had gotten more sleep last night.

I as most fell asleep again if not for the husky laugh beside me and under me, I blinked open my eyes quickly and looked around to check where I was, 'still in the bosses bedroom' I thought relived, I wouldn't be the first time something like that had happened and I couldn't be sure if it would be the last.

Something shifted underneath me and laid me gently on the sheets beside us, I looked up to see Kacchan with a look on his face that screamed caring and his beautiful crimson eyes practically sparkled as they looked at me. We store at each other for a while before he leant down and placed a soft kiss to my forehead that had butterflies racing through my stomach, I will never get used to this feeling but I would definitely savour it.

We both rolled out of bed And I rubbed the sleep from my eye drowsily, only to get a chuckle from Kiri as he picked me up "Come on Izu, we need to get you some clothes that fit you" I whined, "But I like wearing your clothes, they smell like you guys.." I said the last part quietly, feeling flustered by what I just admitted. I saw them all look at each other and Todoroki practically growled as he pet my hair gently, "Ok but we still need to get you some underwear and some casual clothes. We don't need people seeing what's ours." My blush spreads like a wildfire covering my face at the last part but also the fact that I had been wearing the trios humongous underwear all week and I still turned him red thinking how big they would be.

I felt comfortable with the three but I was still weary of their intentions in acting flirty and kind, but I felt somewhat safe around them and I hadn't felt that in years

•Time skip- Breakfast•

No ones POV
Mido had changed into the clothes which had been abandoned earlier, and he couldn't deny how cute he looked in the males oversized clothes. It made EVERYONE at base contemplate kidnapping the cute boy before anyone else did, so with that in mind there was always one of the bosses by Izuku's side on the look out for challengers, luckily everyone knew about the bosses skills in combat and decided they like life a lot better and everyone kept a good metre away from the greenette. "Come on nerd,lets go." Kat said as he stood by the door way "me and shitty hair already got the car out front" Deku and Todo stood up from their place at the kitchens island, the small boy had just finished a full plate of scrambled eggs and bacon, made my Katsuki "T-thank you Kacchan" the petit boy said as he grabbed a coat from the hanger, presumably Bokugos that one of the boys had pointed too.

After everyone was in the car, Todo and Katsuki in the front and Kiri and Deku in the back, they set of and arrived at the mall in 30 minutes.

As the group walked inside Deku clenched and unclenched his fists, he definitely didn't like being around so many people it he wasn't going to say anything to the casual trio in front, Izu hadn't realised the boys had stopped walking and were looking back at the greenette and he nearly walked into Kiri, but luckily there was a person there to trip Izuku up so he fell face flat into the floor instead of the tall red head, Izuku whimpered as he fell to the floor with force and wince when he felt the pain shoot through his forehead and nose.

He scrambled back up and looked around at the trio who looked at him in worry and concern, now all crouched down and helping the hurt boy to his feet
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know where I was walking, I'm sorry!" Said a lady next to the handsome males, who the group assumed had just tripped the cute greenette up. "I-I'm so s-sorry, u-um please don't feel bad, I  wasn't looking around properly, sorry I'm s-sorry" izuku whimpered as he limped closer to the worried trio, and was enveloped Into a hug by Kacchan "Baby boy, look at me it's not your fault, it's fine it's fine" Katsuki said as he glared daggers into the lady.

Izuku curled up into a ball in kacchans arms as he covered his face "Leave" Todo,Kiri and Kacchan growled out, the lady stumbled and turned back to the people she was with before. "Darling, Izu let us see" Kiri demanded tenderly as he reached slowly for Izu's chin and grabbed it gently, turning his head to reveal a large bruise forming on his nose and a bump on his forehead, there were tears sitting on the edge of Izuku's eyes and some had already spilled and were streamed beautifully across his freckled cheeks "darling we need to get you sorted, you have a nasty bruise on your nose" Izuku flinched at the thought of a hospital and tried to escape from Kacchans grip, "baby we won't hurt you, stay still" the greenette was still thrashing in kacchans arms and had started whimpering softly "stay still!" Kacchan demanded and izuku slowly calmed down in fear of angering the ash blonde anymore that he already had and just sunk back into kacchans chest as he was carried out of the mall by the trio "sorry Mido we'll just have to ask somebody else to get clothes for you" Todo said as he kissed the small boys head 'I love them' Izu thought as they treat him tenderly and drove back to the base. 'I just hope they love me too.'

I apologise for this sorry excuse of an episode, I'm back at school and my motivation is rubbish
I'm hoping to sneak some smut in soon...
1061 words

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