Chapter Four

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The place did not have the few trees and sparse vegetation that the park had. This place had trees all around, sunlight shining down and birds singing as they flew from tree to tree.
She wasn't in the park and she was freaking out.
Very very much.
What just happened?
Did she pass out?
What just happened?

Wait, she had asked herself that question already.

Her mother being lost was pushed to the back of her mind slightly.
She got up slowly while straightening her clothes out and cleaning dirt from her face and clothes. Her black watch was still on her wrist but her phone was nowhere to be found.

After looking for it for a while and giving up she noticed that her mother's green watch was on the floor and so she grabbed it and pocketed it. She didn't know how, but it was the source of all her problems. She had to blame something and it was the watch she was deciding to blame.

Maya started to walk out of the forest-like place.
She heard music coming from somewhere not too far off and decided to go there. Maybe the people were having a party or program. No matter where she was, she'd at least be able to get a phone and call the police station or call her mom again.

Very strange that she had lost her phone but not the two watches.
"How very nice of you, universe. Thank you for letting me lose the one thing that could help me get back home. "
She kicked a rock.
" I can't very well use a watch to call back home. Can I?"

Finally it seemed like the trees were thinning out. Maya was slowly leaving the forest and entering civilization. She felt relieved, glad that the endless forest was...well....ending.
She stepped at the outskirts of the town
and she was shocked.
Not a pair of jeans in sight.
Just slacks and skirts.

What was all this? Where was this place?
It wasn't too dark and so it wasn't too difficult to see what was going on. The people were having a good time it seemed, clustered in groups and talking and laughing.
A few dancing together, some of them dancing in circles around fires.

Was it a festival? Or some form of re-enactment? Was that why they were dressed that way? Like in the Regency Era
She was hesitant to approach them but on the other hand she just wanted to get a phone, make a call and leave or get directed to the nearest police station, get a cab and leave.

Either way she just wanted to leave, she hadn't been here ten minutes and she was already in a hurry to leave. Maybe if she was one of those adventurous or overly curious people, she would be more interested in whatever was going on.

It was pitiful how quickly she had gotten to the point of almost desperation. Anything would work for her, anything for her to get back home before her Mom did. Even if she arrived late, she could just tell her mom she'd gone to look for her at the park and lost track of time.
If she wasn't there and her mom got home before her, the woman would worry herself to an early grave and nobody wanted that.
It was with that resolve that she moved forward, in her old all stars and faded jeans.
She made her way into the midst of the townspeople.

From the group of giggling girls to the men and women behind stalls, to even the few little children running around.
Not a soul listened to her.
Not one.
Of course she got a lot of strange looks, but that was maybe because of what she was wearing. She stuck out like a sore thumb in the midst of these people

After some time of walking and being ignored she looked up at the clouds.
Did it always look like it was going to rain here or was it only today?
The clouds had darkened considerably and the soft breeze had become a bit stronger.
Maya had to leave this place and be on her way soon or else she might get caught up in the rain.

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