Chapter Five

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Maya walked past rows and rows of cottages and farms with people working on them.
The place looked peaceful, picturesque even, like something you would see on a pretty little postcard.
Aside from the cottages, some of the people lived in little houses and from these houses some people stood out watching her, one person even waved.
Maya didn't really pay attention or respond to anyone. She was a woman on a mission. She was also an aggravated eighteen year old with grass stains on her favorite pair of old sneakers.

Soon the houses reduced in number, finally leaving her on a pathway. At the end of the pathway was a huge building, castle, whatever.

This was it.
It wasn't scary like she had imagined it to be. When she got close enough to see the massive building, she realized it was particularly imposing but majestic all the same. She couldn't wait to get in and get everything over with.

She moved faster across the well manicured lawn to the massive courtyard to the Castle.
As she rushed to the courtyard she hoped no one would give her trouble for walking on the lawns, she didn't have the time to go all around it.
She looked around. It was starting to get dark. Not too dark but soon it would.
She wondered if maybe she could get her mom and be out of this crazy town before nightfall. Then she and her mom could have spaghetti again while watching Britain's Got Talent reruns. She would even apologize for going to the park if she had to.

Soon she reached the front of the castle.
There was a large wooden gate and there stood two men, they were holding...spears and had what looked like swords sticking into their trousers. Her Harry Potter knowledge told her that no, these men were not wearing dresses... They were wearing Robes. Robes was the word.

Maya sighed deeply....These must be the guards . She took a deep breath and walked forward but then scurried back a few steps almost immediately when they pointed the spears at her in unison.

'That must have taken some rehearsal' she thought.

"Who goes there!? " The one on the left boomed
"Uh hi there... I'm Maya. Is the Queen around or something. I'd like to see her"
"Are you a spy?"
One shouted

"Of course not!" She replied, appalled

"Which land are you from?"

'uh, Maya think think. Lands. Geography. Brain do SOMETHING!' She muttered to herself.

"I'm from Arizona, America?"
She couldn't help the fact that it came out as a question. She wouldnt be surprised if these people said they didn't know what Arizona was.

Their spears lowered as they stared at her in confusion " I've never heard of ArizonaAmerica"

"Seriously! Give me something to work with here people. Nobody knows anything here"

The two eyed her skeptically as she threw a mini tantrum.

She sighed deeply while holding her head, trying to calm herself down.
"Can I please see the Queen, I'm very lost and I want to make my way home."

After her short speech she got some very serious Wizard of Oz vibes and she tried hard not to laugh else these men would think she was joking.

The two guards shared a look and nodded.
"Come with me." The one on the left commanded.
She moved quickly, she wasn't going to waste this chance.
They walked into the massive castle. Maya was blown away, she thought on how rich the Queen of this place was. Of course the woman was not Jeff Bezos type of rich but in her own way, the Queen had splashed her wealth throughout the castle.
It was in the little gold statues and huge paintings all around that Maya noticed this display of wealth.

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